SOG, you are convincing me of the merits of cinnamon with this recipe. Freaking awesome! I added a tiny pinch of salt and that seemed to bring out the cinnamon taste even more.
SOG. Seriously. Tell me how to stop eating this!!!!! I've made it three times this week.
pineappleprincess added a comment on the recipe Raw Cashew "Cheeze":
Mmmmmmm, this didn't do it for me, but its probably just a matter of personal taste. I thought it needed.......something.
pineappleprincess posted a new recipe.
pineappleprincess posted a new recipe.
pineappleprincess posted a new recipe.
pineappleprincess posted a new recipe.
pineappleprincess posted a new recipe.
pineappleprincess posted a new recipe.
