lkshep posted a photo for the recipe Balsamic Tofu Saute with Couscous .
lkshep posted a photo for the recipe Date Coconut Balls .
lkshep posted a photo for the recipe Breaded Tofu.
lkshep posted a photo for the recipe Beet This Burger.
lkshep posted a photo for the recipe Luscious Oatmeal Dinner Rolls.
lkshep posted a photo for the recipe .
lkshep posted a photo for the recipe Chickpeas and Onions.
lkshep added a comment on the recipe Twice the Tomato Soup:
This looks so simple and refreshing! I love tomatoes and basil....thanks for sharing!
lkshep added a comment on the recipe Creamy Penne with Spinach & Tomatoes:
This is so yummy!  ;D Very creamy, healthy, and flavorful, but not too rich like Alfredo. What makes this dish wow is the fresh spinach and the asparagus!
lkshep added a comment on the recipe Roasted Sweet Potato and Vegetable Combo:
I was just looking at this...and I don't know why olive oil is in this when it's heated to 375 F oven.
