What to do with all these cukes!
Posted by rhondajean on Sep 08, 2009 · Member since Jan 2008 · 12 posts
My husband and I have been "collecting" cucumbers from all of our friends over the last week...every time I come home there is another bag on the table! What do I do with all of them?!?!? I'd love a good recipe that uses multiple cukes- any ideas???
Thanks!! :)>>>
refridgerator pickles! you don't even have to can them.
My "Raito salad" posted on VW http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=13135.0
(please review it if you try it!!)
Yes, pickles are always good, then you can delay eating all of them at once, so you won't get sick of them
Here's some ways to make pickles:
Good luck!
- Ted