Alternatives to store-bought "cheese"?
Posted by edeveber on May 29, 2009 · Member since May 2009 · 14 posts
The grocery stores in my city carry some pretty feeble soy and rice cheeses. They all contain casein!
I don't mind going without in most situations, but I would like to find a way to keep my quesadillas from falling apart. Any ideas?
I put refried beans on one side, then top that with a bunch of sauteed onions and peppers, but I need something to go on top of that to keep the "top tortilla" from falling off!
I thought about guacamole but it's better cold.
Also, I like the fact that "cheese" holds grilled veggies on my nachos.
So basically I need something to stick food to other food. Ideas?
You could put a thinner layer of beans on each side, or make a nutritional yeast based cheese sauce for the second side. Maybe even flavored hummus (like garlic or chipotle) would work!
I have never tried nutritional yeast, I'm not sure if I'll be able to find it here but if I can, I'd like to give it a shot in some recipes. It sounds interesting at least. Thanks.