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Canning soups?

Has anyone tried canning their vegan soups? All the ones I want to can contain pasta, or thickening agents, and I keep reading not to can those. Does anyone know why? I'm thinking about trying to can a big batch of veggie curry, or some dal.

I don't know about canning, but I do freeze soups of all kinds with good results.  THey can thicken so I often add some water or stock when defrosting in the micro, but it dosen't hurt them at all.  You could leave a thickener out if you want and then thicken it when reheating, that might give better texture results.

I usually leave the pasta out of the soups I freeze, then add some cooked pasta while reheating.  Works great.

You can also freeze in large batches for a family, or in single portions, which I do, so my husb can grab them for work.


IF you want to can veggies at all, you must pressure can them to destroy any micro organisms.  Fruit with sugar, jams, pickles and tomatoes, high acid foods, are the  only things you can safely can in a water bath. This web sit is a good one to check if you have canning Q's.

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