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Obama and Lipstick

I'm sorry you guys, I know a lot of your are Obama supporters, but this pompous comment is certainly not winning my vote!

Obama: "You can put lipstick on a pig," he said to an outbreak of laughter, shouts and raucous applause from his audience, clearly drawing a connection to Palin's joke even if it's not what Obama meant. "It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years."

As a women and a veg*n I take great offense to this.  Nice Obama, offend women and the veg*n community all with the same breath  >:(. Here is a link to the entire article:

Comments anyone?

In light of Palin's joke, it's pretty funny.  Palin said, the only difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is lipstick.  So Obama basically (and probably unintentionally) called her a pig. 

From a vegan perspective, yes, that is offensive.  But considering that verrrrry few of us have found that heightened sensitivity, I can't really blame him.  His comment is in line with the figurative language understood and used by practically 100% of the American population.  It is not unusually offensive.  Like, I'm not gonna get mad about it right now.  There are bigger issues.  Bigger fish to fry. 

(Yes, that was intentional.)

How is it offensive to women, though?  Because it insinuates women wear lipstick?  The article only suggests that it is offensive to Palin herself, since it could be seen as pointed directly at her.  i.e., calling her a pig.

Meh, doesn't bother me too much.  It PALES in comparison to an entire litany of sexist, racist, classist, or speciesist things I could scrounge up that have come from the mouths of McCain and Palin.


I think Palin calling him Sambo is more offensive than anything he's said so far.


1.I found it to be a pathetic low blow. I watched Palin's speech, I know what she said and thought she was kind of funny. Politically I don't know what I think of her, but the joke was cute.
2. It implies that pigs are dirty animals and not even 'lipstick' could make them appealing. yes I know, he was calling Palin a pig.... but again, why resort to lame junior high insults.
3. Offensive to lipstick because using lipstick in a put down like that obviously makes it about a women. If he were talking about a man, the word 'lipstick' would not have been used. He made the joke gender specific. I don't think he would like it if someone cracked a joke about him being black now would he? A chocolate crack or worse... McCains campaign has not stooped so low as to use Obama's race against him.


I think Palin calling him Sambo is more offensive than anything he's said so far.

Indeed.  As a whole, we've come to an understanding that racism and racial slurs are unacceptable.  
We have yet to reach that level in regards to speciesism, unfortunately.  Though AC is moving us forward by reminding us when our language and metaphors are NOT VEGAN.  ;)b
So like I said, can't really expect him to not use an animal metaphor.  Practically everyone does.

Kucinich, on the other hand, would know better.  But this is true for most things.   ;)


Obama didn't INVENT the phrase "lipstick on a pig."  It's a common turn of phrase.  Honestly, I don't see the big deal.

Also, if it's offensive to make that joke about pigs, Palin's joke about bulldogs is equally offensive.  It characterizes them as unduly aggressive. 


I think Palin calling him Sambo is more offensive than anything he's said so far.

Indeed.  As a whole, we've come to an understanding that racism and racial slurs are unacceptable.  
We have yet to reach that level in regards to speciesism, unfortunately.  Though AC is moving us forward by reminding us when our language and metaphors are NOT VEGAN.  ;)b
So like I said, can't really expect him to not use an animal metaphor.  Practically everyone does.

Kucinich, on the other hand, would know better.  But this is true for most things.   ;)

Well, just my opinion. I didn't much like Obama before the lipstick comments so that was just icying on the cake. That being said, I don't necessarly like McCain either so.... sadly I just may not vote.


Obama didn't INVENT the phrase "lipstick on a pig."  It's a common turn of phrase.  Honestly, I don't see the big deal.

Also, if it's offensive to make that joke about pigs, Palin's joke about bulldogs is equally offensive.  It characterizes them as unduly aggressive. 

I've never heard 'lipstick on a pig' before. Still it was a lame, adolescent comment. Something my 13 year old would neice would say. yes, I guess Palin used 'Bulldogs' in a more postive light in context with her speach. Double standard, but most things are.


Oh, don't let that deter you from voting!

He was clearly referring to the McCain administration as a continuation of the Bush administration.  Then Palin's camp takes it out of context and acts like they give a damn about women and turns it into a personal matter.  Let's go back and count the number of times the Rep's personally attacked Obama at the RNC, shall we?  Or blatantly LIED about his credentials?

Mercy, if we're concerned about women's rights, I don't see how the choice is anything but crystal clear here.  Let's focus on the issues, not an unfortunately-cast metaphor.


and honestly, what matters most, a silly joke or the issues?


He hasn't said much on the issues I'm concerned with....all he mentions is 'change'. Change can mean a lot of things. He hasn't mentioned any well thought out plans on how this 'change' is suppose to occur. He hasn't said jack about animal rights, the environment or health care that I have heard and I haven't heard any actual plan on how he is suppossidly going to lower the price of gas or improve the shitty economy. In my opinion his lipstick comment was just another arrogant, big-talking comment by Obama that has been indicative of his campain thus far. I'm tired of his bold statements with out a follow thru statement on how he plans to bring 'change'.
Its all relative to one's perspective though. Like I said, I didn't like him to begin with so of course I'm more inclined to find his comment childish and offensive. You all (so far) do like him so you are more inclined to see the humor in his comment.



He hasn't said much on the issues I'm concerned with....all he mentions is 'change'. Change can mean a lot of things. He hasn't mentioned any well thought out plans on how this 'change' is suppose to occur. He hasn't said jack about animal rights, the environment or health care that I have heard and I haven't heard any actual plan on how he is suppossidly going to lower the price of gas or improve the shitty economy. In my opinion his lipstick comment was just another arrogant, big-talking comment by Obama that has been indicative of his campain thus far. I'm tired of his bold statements with out a follow thru statement on how he plans to bring 'change'.

ISSUES?!  COME ON!  Don't you know the best way to get elected is to try to portray yourself to be just an average joe, "someone the voters can identify with"?  Well, I guess this year promises of an amorphous change is going over well with voters as well.

But not having a plan to address the issues facing the country is prevalent for both the democrats and republicans...take reducing the federal deficit for example:


i don't think this was any sort of personal dig at either women or pigs. I think it's more like the saying "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."  :bird2: Or y'know, you can't change what something is by dressing it differently.


He hasn't said much on the issues I'm concerned with....all he mentions is 'change'. Change can mean a lot of things. He hasn't mentioned any well thought out plans on how this 'change' is suppose to occur. He hasn't said jack about animal rights, the environment or health care that I have heard and I haven't heard any actual plan on how he is suppossidly going to lower the price of gas or improve the shitty economy. In my opinion his lipstick comment was just another arrogant, big-talking comment by Obama that has been indicative of his campain thus far. I'm tired of his bold statements with out a follow thru statement on how he plans to bring 'change'.

ISSUES?!  COME ON!  Don't you know the best way to get elected is to try to portray yourself to be just an average joe, "someone the voters can identify with"?  Well, I guess this year promises of an amorphous change is going over well with voters as well.

But not having a plan to address the issues facing the country is prevalent for both the democrats and republicans...take reducing the federal deficit for example:

read this:
And this:

I don't mean to imply anything or start anything but are you actually looking for information on where he stands or are you just waiting for him to put all of his stances in a commercial?


the comment had nothing to do with him calling Palin a pig. This is a very common phrase used a lot regarding unloading product that it undesireable

We use the phrase several times a year in my house and it never has anything to do with calling a person a pig. This is being used brilliantly by the right trying to make this look like a gaffe or an offense on Palin. Ridiculous

"A term used by many, generally in reference to someone who may be trying to make something or someone look appealing or attractive when it quite clearly will not work, or will only deceive the dumbest of people.

Car salesmen are generally good at "putting lipstick on a pig" because they are always selling unroadworthy buckets of shit and try and hide their shitfulness by tarting them up."

I'm sorry you guys, I know a lot of your are Obama supporters, but this pompous comment is certainly not winning my vote!

Obama: "You can put lipstick on a pig," he said to an outbreak of laughter, shouts and raucous applause from his audience, clearly drawing a connection to Palin's joke even if it's not what Obama meant. "It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years."

As a women and a veg*n I take great offense to this.  Nice Obama, offend women and the veg*n community all with the same breath  >:(. Here is a link to the entire article:

Comments anyone?


He hasn't mentioned any well thought out plans on how this 'change' is suppose to occur. He hasn't said jack about animal rights, the environment or health care that I have heard and I haven't heard any actual plan on how he is suppossidly going to lower the price of gas or improve the shitty economy.

Animal Rights:  Animal rights isn't a political platform issue.  I don't expect you'd see anyone discussing animal rights.  Well, maybe Palin's said something about animal's not having any rights.  Has any candidate discussed animal rights?  (Real question.)  I don't think I remember even Kucinich mentioning animal rights.

Environment:  I think that he's weak in discussing the environment.  That's one of my reservations about him.  He's a great communicator.  I think he could help bring down global tensions other countries have with the US and thereby save us defense budget money.  In that respect he reminds me of Ronald Reagan.  He helped end the Cold War (which saved us a LOT of money), but he also thought that "if you've seen one tree, you've seen them all".

Health Care:  Obama has said TONS about health care.  It was a big topic during the primaries.  I'm really surprised that you haven't heard anything.  Obama proposes a "universal" health care plan, but it's not universal and covers fewer people than Hillary Clinton's plan would have.  It's universal in that all children would be covered, but not all adults.

Price of Gas:    That's an interesting one.  All oil, worldwide, is sold in two locations, one being New York (and can only be traded in U.S. dollars - trivia).  Bush deregulated the oil industry, so the oil industry can sell 100 barrels of oil for $100 each and then buy them back from themselves for $80 each, thereby showing a profit on the books and keeping the price of oil artifically high.  There are a lot of factors going into the price of oil.  One is increased worldwide demand.  Another is the degregulation of oil companies.  Another is our national debt and weak economy diminish the value of a US dollar, so all imported goods (including gas) cost us more.  There are so many tiers to that one.  Anyone who offers a soundbite solution is full of it.

Economy:  He's also said things about the economy.  What were you looking for specifically?  I might be able to find something for you.  (BTW, sidebar gripe - Bush has gone crazy with the national debt.  We made it through the entire Vietnam Conflict without massively raising the national debt, so foreign conflicts don't cut it as a reason.)


HH, you are always so informitive and objective!  I also love that site you mentioned with the truth o meters


Ya, thanks HH. I feel like if I vote it will be choosing between the lesser of the two evils and I hate being put in that position. Honeslty I'm leaning towards McCain but I don't know yet. Obama seems full of empty promises to me. McCain doesn't make all the promises I'd like but he has proven follow thru. Polotics is so corrupt anyway. This election has been a disappointment to me because it seems more like a high school popularity contest than a presidential election. Personally I wish Gore would have run again. I really like him.

ps- I don't post much on the debate board because I tend have different opinions than the mass on this site.... but I love  :)>>> you all so I hope you don't think ill of me for not liking Obama....because I really don't like him.


I also love that site you mentioned with the truth o meters

I love that site so it makes me happy that other people like it, too.


Ya, thanks HH. I feel like if I vote it will be choosing between the lesser of the two evils and I hate being put in that position. Honeslty I'm leaning towards McCain but I don't know yet. Obama seems full of empty promises to me. McCain doesn't make all the promises I'd like but he has proven follow thru. Polotics is so corrupt anyway. This election has been a disappointment to me because it seems more like a high school popularity contest than a presidential election. Personally I wish Gore would have run again. I really like him.

ps- I don't post much on the debate board because I tend have different opinions than the mass on this site.... but I love  :)>>> you all so I hope you don't think ill of me for not liking Obama....because I really don't like him.

You really should post your opinions.


Economy:  He's also said things about the economy.  What were you looking for specifically?  I might be able to find something for you.  (BTW, sidebar gripe - Bush has gone crazy with the national debt.  We made it through the entire Vietnam Conflict without massively raising the national debt, so foreign conflicts don't cut it as a reason.)

This might be the scariest part of Obama's presidency.  Today democrats came out and endorsed a second stimulus package.  The republicans finally are doing something right and oppose a second stimulus package.  The first stimulus package led to increased spending and created an artificially high GDP figure in August.  BUT the unemployment report that came out at the end of last week showed how bad the economy is when the unemployment rate exploded from 5.7% to 6.1%.  Clearly the stimulus package did nothing to add jobs to the economy.  It helped individuals pay bills for a month, but did nothing for the long term health of the economy.

Today Nancy Pelosi said the problem with the economy is "JOBS JOBS JOBS!"  But she and the rest of the democrats endorse a stimulus package to address the problem when there is little evidence that doing so will create jobs?  Obama and the other candidates are right about the new "Green Economy" that needs to be forged, but they show no interest in actually following through on their proposals.  Instead of infusing $75 billion more into the economy in the form of a stimulus package why don't they use that money to INVEST in green companies so they can actually hire people who will then have a steady income to pay bills every month and contribute to the economy daily?  If Obama and his Senate colleagues care so much about a "Green Economy" why haven't they passed green energy tax cuts that makes green companies nearly tax exempt?  Last year they waited until just before the deadline in December to pass the bill and this year it appears the same will happen again.  How can a company plan its future when they don't have a clear idea of the amount of capital they might have available next year?

Just a few words of caution.....that's all (oh, and republicans are no better, but I think we all know that)

And here's the ap article of the democrats announcing their stimulus plan for those interested:



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