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Police raids in Austria; 10 AR activists arrested

On the 21st of May 2008 around 07:00 pm WEGA officers raided several
appartments in Vienna. Some of the residents, who had been still asleep,
were woken up in their beds at the point of the pistol. At least 14
people in Austria were affected by the raids. Most of them live in
Vienna and Graz, one appartment was also searched in Tirol.

In several appartments the doors were kicked in by the WEGA officers.
Just like in bad Hollywood movies the officers stormed into the
appartments. Only after the residents had been intimidated, “securely”
put against the wall, respectively handcuffed, the officers began the

The grounds for the searchings is the accusation of the formation of a
criminal organisation according to §278a StGB. There are warrants of
arrest concerning 12 people whose appartments were searched. They are
based on danger of collusion, since the persons concerned for example
communicated with the help of encoded e-mails, as well as the danger of
them committing a crime, because the affected partly have been active in
the animal rights scene for a long time. Both arguments directly
contradict the presumption of innocence. A criminal organisation is
being created absolutely arbitrarily and made responsible for all the
unsolved felonies of the last years. The accusations are not backed up
by any proof, on the contrary: the executive seemingly hopes to find
hints to the affirmation of their suspicion. This suspicion of the
formation of a criminal organisation could not and will not be backed
up, either by evidence or by speculations.

The affected were directly transferred from their appartments to
„Polzeianhaltezentrum“ Rossauer Straße await their arraignment during
the next 48 hours. Most of the affected were denied a call to a
confidant or a legal representative. Friends who wanted to check on them
were denied any dialogue with the affected.

There was no commensurability of the legal act. The early storming of
appartments must be characterised as completely overdrawn.

It remains open what the concrete cause for these operations. One should
assume that time and manner of the operations have political
backgorunds. All in all, disliked political action is being criminalised
and made impossible. Should this wave of repression remain unquestioned
it will also affect other forms of opposition and action.

The repression of left structures has reached a new peak with
yesterday’s wave of raids and arrests. Raids with mummed WEGA officers,
who kick in doors and wake sleeping people at the point of the pistol,
had not been used against the radical left during the last years. The
last time a similar raid was carried out was in 2001 after the
“Opernball” demonstrations.

Such an appearance of the authorities does not only count on
intimidating th affected. Friends and otherwise politically active
people are supposed to be frightened as well. Overdrwan and partly
brutal police operations are to convey that opposition does not
worthwhile. We must not let ourselves be isolated. Together we can talk
about our fears and develop strategies to deal with it.

Solidarity with those affected by the wave of arrests is in demand. No
matter if you’re vegan, feminist, anti-Fascist, against observation,
atomic power or police force – it addresses all of us even if only few
were affected right now. Those people arrested need our support and
solidarity. The legal aid is organizing lawyers and media work – get
active too!

Organize solidarity parties, donate for legal aid, network, get informed
about your rights concerning raids and refusal to give evidence!

Info hotline for persons concerned, friends, family: 0650/5926791

On the 26. May 2008, 10:00 a.m. there will be a press conference of the
legal aid in the press room of “Grüner Parlamentsclub”, Löwelstraße 12,
2. Stock.

a few mins ago I read that the first man of the "VGT" martin balluch was allowed to get visits after one week of arrestment. he´s said to be in a misarable situation due to his hunger strike, which is visible physical as well as psychological. he walks very slowly and talks much slowier than usual. however, he´s treated very hard by the guides. he always has tears in his eyes, he was put together with a chain smoker although he´s a non-smoker in a cell. because he had a visitor he was refused to take his walk to the courtyard of the prison. he only receives commands by the guides and is never told where he´s brought to. the guides put him down because he has a higher education level and he´s refused to have electric light in his cell. since he´s been arrested he was not allowed to have a wash or got some fresh clothes.

there are no further details known of the other arrested AR acitivists. at the moment people in austria try to contact amnesty international.

has anyone heard of that before? dunno what to say, it just makes me speechless.  :o :'(

Actually, friend/acquaintance Tre Arrow had a similar experience when he was first found and arrested in Canada....after fighting for years for amnesty/refugee status....he's recently been extradited back to the States where he's facing trumped up charges for being an eco-terrorist......


ookayyy... obviously there is a very strong lobby and everybody who tries to make a change in this world by standing up for animal rights and ecology is a terrorist. on the other hand media always report about environmental aspects. that is strange. VERY strange.


here are news and updates posted about the current situation of the AR avtivists:


It is happening everywhere.  Animal and Environmental Activists are being grouped in as a kind of 'terrorist' and dealt with as such, often resulting in unusually harsh sentences.

Sean Kirtley was just given a 2 and a half year sentence in the UK for organizing protests against Sequani, a large animal testing facility.  He was arrested with 5 others in a dawn raid not unlike the recent Austrian raids.  Similar coordinated raids took place last May in the UK and the Netherlands and Belgium (involving AR activists protesting against HLS). 

About Sean and his case:

About Sequani:

About SHAC and their efforts to close down Huntington Life Sciences:


that just can´t be that people who just want to try to make the world a bit better are treaten like terrorists. ah, ok, in some way for the lobbyists they are.

btw. there is a new petition for the still imprisoned ar activists


On  VGT (Association against Animal factories) website, you'll find an online petition

Against Arbitrary Police Operations Against Animal Protectionists

and updates here :


and here, which is actually bilingual. there´s also another petition:

and btw. they are helf 4 weeks longer in prison like last week was decided. unbearable!!!!

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