Why didn't anyone tell me about film?!?!
Posted by dinkfeet on Jan 07, 2008 · Member since Aug 2007 · 695 posts
So when I became vegan I read "How it All Vegan," I visited the PETA website, I photocopied their brochures for my friends, I hung out on vegweb, and NO ONE TOLD ME FILM wasn't vegan!
How many times have I complained about not being able to use my digital camera in the Lost recipes forum? How many times have I even USED my camera in front of vegwebbers? People, really! I'm counting on you to steer me in the right direction!
Okay, I got that out of my system - on the upside, I am going to unleash a TORRENT of food pix onto this site. Mwahahaha! ;D
you can bs me any day ::)
this site is too freakin' friendly...I should spend my non-copious amounts of time on something a little more "hard knocks" like shmoo's blog or something ;)
So uh...where's that vegan card?
I think I have to cut it up now
I never even got my card, damnit.
Dinkaroo, it's ok. The irony is just astounding. Post pics, no film, you know??! How can someone exist?
you guys didnt know film was made out of puppy eyeball lenses?
<NOT responding with "Yo momma" joke>
<NOT responding with "Yo momma" joke>
I totally heart you dink.