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Whole Milk=Babies?

A New study says women that want to get pregnant should drink whole milk....I wonder who paid for this study........ :P

another reason to NOT drink milk!!!

K^2 doesn't want to become K^3 or g0d forbid K^4!!



Yeah, that's why people in China, most of which are lactose intolerant and have not traditionally consumed dairy products, have so many issues conceiving. They just don't know what to do as they have so few children in their country.  >:(

I get so sick of hearing this "Dairy is the magical food" crap.


I would really like to see the actual raw data from this study.  I study statistics a lot and it's veryyy easy to skew results.  I anticipate there being soo many lurking variables which account for this alleged "correlation."  Maybe just the actual presence of high-fat foods increased fertility.  Not necessarily dairy.  Or could it be the reduction of stress associated with eating those dairy products that helps??

It could even be the researchers used a rigged signifigance level so that they could declare there was a correlation....Honestly, I'm sure a lot of the studies we read about use skewed statistics.


Ahhh yes..."studies have shown"--or even worse "A study has shown." The magic words in the food world. It cracks me up that in the US, such anonymous "studies" are said to be carried out here in Europe (France, or Sweden if they really want to impress) while here of course, it's "an American university hospital." ;D


it's because of all the estrogen and other hormones being added to milk via the food the animals consume. it's also why doctors reccomend menopausal women don't drink whole milk--because the rise in estrogen could increase risk of breast cancer

i never liked milk anyway--even when i wasn't veg


Oxford Journal is actually a pretty reliable publication source for scientific studies.
HOWEVER, I don't see where they are taking into consideration the effect all the BGH and other hormones
pumped into these animals and hence into the food might have had on their results.
And as such, This article isn't worth the 5 seconds it took to open up a new tab for it.

I was really hoping this was another installment from our wacko s0y-makes-you-gay author  8)


hah, i love how no one writing the article notices that "fat" is actually the operable word here. now, if they had done a study between different kinds for fat and their effect on fertility, that would be different, but here they've confused the fat present in dairy with dairy itself. fat levels in women have a huge effect on fertility... that's why girls in poor, food-scarce areas hit puberty much later in life than girls in developed regions where high fat foods are widely accesible, because their body fat levels hit the right level for bearing children earlier (it's no coincidence that me and my younger sisters all hit puberty at exactly that same time when we moved back to canada from asia where we were eating no meat and very little dairy... i was 15, my sisters were 13 and 12). then those girls grow up and find out that "fat" is bad, and essentially start starving themselves. if they included stats on overall body weight and diet, i'm sure there would be more tying a normal body weight, and a healthy level of consumed fats to over-all fertility than whether or not they drank whole fat milk.


There is a fat-estrogen correlation of sorts.  Very thin women, on average, have a more difficult time conceiving than women who are normal to very slightly overweight.  Very overweight women often have difficulty conceiving as well.  This really has to do with the fact that a woman's body is geared towards gestation and nursing the infant.  When a woman is pregnant, her body will put her needs before that of the fetus. After the child is born, her body will eat itself to feed the child.  Women with adequate fat stores stand a much better chance of successfully feeding her baby than one who doesn't.  This is new thinking and quite the reverse of what has traditionally been believed.

Drinking milk probably has a lot less to do with successful conception than overall inadequate consumption of food.  A woman who has consistently dieted since adolescence has "taught" her body that her life is one of feast and famine and she will be more likely to have fertility problems than an adequately fed teenager will have in the future.  This is why my teenagers have been encouraged to eat...plenty of low fat soymilk, whole grains, fresh whole fruit and vegetables.  It should be noted that my girls are all normal weight, eat twice as many desserts as their friends, never feel the need to diet.  My nearly 18 y/o (March 14) is 5'11" and 125 to 130 lbs.  She is an incredible eater!!!  I bake mini loaves of whole wheat banana bread for her to snack on and she might eat 3 of these a week with tea, after a full dinner with seconds!  They are only moderately active, in my opinion and this is the result of a vegan diet and being taught good eating habits. 

So much of what normal meater teens eat is so bad for them, then they really do need to diet and the cycle begins.  Despite my one rather prolonged period of anorexia in high school, I managed to get PG very easily 9 times and have 6 healthy children to show for it. 


There is a fat-estrogen correlation of sorts.  Very thin women, on average, have a more difficult time conceiving than women who are normal to very slightly overweight.  ....

Drinking milk probably has a lot less to do with successful conception than overall inadequate consumption of food.  A woman who has consistently dieted since adolescence has "taught" her body that her life is one of feast and famine and she will be more likely to have fertility problems than an adequately fed teenager will have in the future.  ...

That's probably spot on.
Japan is filled with bone-thin women who see themselves as overweight.  Not surprising They also have a lot of problems with conceiving.
(There's been a rash of multiple-child births but that is almost *exclusively* due to the use of artificial insemination.)
it's really sick and disturbing to listen to them talk about their weight "problems". 
I even know a very sweet, bright  4th grader that has been so tired because she is dieting accordinging to her sisters!!  :?


I'm 5'4", and have been under 110 lbs. always (excepting, of course, when pregnant). When I did drink milk, it was always skim. . .and I have 7 awesome children to show for it!

I do believe there is something to the hormone theory, but there are plenty of those in skim milk and meat. . .


I always ask anyone who declares that you have to have milk to be healthy to name me any animal that continues to produce milk after it has weaned its young???  Milk is produce by mammals to feed their young......not young adults or adults.  A cow only produces milk because she is milked!!  Let nature follow its course she will feed her young, wean them and her milk will dry up.  That is natural...milk should not come from a carton!!  I bet if more people had to get their milk the natural way (nursing) they would give up milk!!!


Yeah, that's why people in China, most of which are lactose intolerant and have not traditionally consumed dairy products, have so many issues conceiving. They just don't know what to do as they have so few children in their country.  >:(

I get so sick of hearing this "Dairy is the magical food" crap.

Ugh!  Me too!!!!  My doctor looked at me like I was the worst mother in the world when I said that my son wasn't going to drink any milk.  When I go the evil eye & lied & said that he wouldn't drink it.  ::)  Why can't I just be honest?!  It doesn't make me a bad mother.  I think it makes me a GREAT mother!

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