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Whole Foods and Beef Recall

The latest recall of beef from a Nebraska Plant includes beef sold at Whole Foods. Isn't is strange that WF labels their beef as  "all natura"l, etc....yet it is coming from a meat plant where regular markets get their meat too? Is it mislabeled? Eric Schlosser thinks so!
I saw him interviewed on the news....

glad I don't shop there....maybe their veggies aren't really organic either

I hate how there aren't really any alternatives to WF here now that they cannibalized Wild Oats--some things just don't exist at TJs or regular supermarkets. (Un?)fortunately there isn't a WF within comfortable walking distance, so since my car died I haven't been there. I have always been skeptical of them, but I thought I was just being paranoid and resentful. Hrm... ???


yeah, looks like you are right to be skeptical. what losers.


I've only been to one Whole Foods, which is a newer one in Fairfax, VA, so I don't know how they all are.  But the one I've been to has all kinds of buffet bars and eat-in things.  I fixed myself up a veg plate and found a seat at one of the food bars to eat.  It's funny, at the front of the store where they have all of the cafeteria-style seats for customers they have 3 garbage cans: one for recyclables, one for landfill trash and one for composting.  But, when I sat at the food bars, the employees threw all of the trash (glass, plastics, food, etc.) into one bag.  I even sat at the wine bar on another occasion and watched the wine guy throw his numerous wine bottles in the garbage!!  For a company that has numerous signs around the store about how only x% of their trash ends up in a landfill, it was pretty disturbing.  I lost a lot of respect for WF seeing that.  And now this meat thing!  That's crazy that it probably IS the same meat, only with the price jacked up 75%.  Grrr.


I've only been to one Whole Foods, which is a newer one in Fairfax, VA, so I don't know how they all are.  But the one I've been to has all kinds of buffet bars and eat-in things.  I fixed myself up a veg plate and found a seat at one of the food bars to eat.  It's funny, at the front of the store where they have all of the cafeteria-style seats for customers they have 3 garbage cans: one for recyclables, one for landfill trash and one for composting.  But, when I sat at the food bars, the employees threw all of the trash (glass, plastics, food, etc.) into one bag.  I even sat at the wine bar on another occasion and watched the wine guy throw his numerous wine bottles in the garbage!!  For a company that has numerous signs around the store about how only x% of their trash ends up in a landfill, it was pretty disturbing.  I lost a lot of respect for WF seeing that.  And now this meat thing!  That's crazy that it probably IS the same meat, only with the price jacked up 75%.  Grrr.

Ok, that's just some employees being lazy. You can't blame WF for that. I worked at a WF and they were serious about the recycling and composting.  We had separate bags and bins and I always put everything in the correct places and I saw others doing the same.  The company isn't perfect, for sure, but they do make an effort to be good.


This sort of situation (I mean the meat thing) is exactly why I am so chary of buying "organic" produce at our supermarkets. A lot of distributors have jumped on the "organic" bandwagon and over here it often simply translates as "twice as expensive." A couple summers ago it was proven that one of the biggest sellers of "organic" eggs was simply buying regular old eggs and packaging them as "organic."

No wonder I can't tell the difference between the chain store "organic" produce and the regular local farmed kind I buy on the street. There probably isn't one.  :(


Isn't is strange that WF labels their beef as  "all natura"l, etc....yet it is coming from a meat plant where regular markets get their meat too? Is it mislabeled?

No, it is likely not mislabeled.  Many people have misconceptions about what "all natural" actually means.  Here is a definition from the United Animal Nations website.

Natural / All Natural: This claim only refers to the lack of artificial flavoring or coloring, artificial or synthetic ingredients, and chemical preservatives in the final product. Products may be labeled as “natural” if the animals were fed antibiotics, hormones or animal by-products as long as no artificial ingredients were added to the final product. The claim does not address how the animal was handled or raised and has no relevance to the animals’ welfare.


on the news the label said all natural and no hormones or anti biotics,,,,these days i can only type half of what i think -baby in one arm!

Isn't is strange that WF labels their beef as  "all natura"l, etc....yet it is coming from a meat plant where regular markets get their meat too? Is it mislabeled?

No, it is likely not mislabeled.  Many people have misconceptions about what "all natural" actually means.  Here is a definition from the United Animal Nations website.

Natural / All Natural: This claim only refers to the lack of artificial flavoring or coloring, artificial or synthetic ingredients, and chemical preservatives in the final product. Products may be labeled as “natural” if the animals were fed antibiotics, hormones or animal by-products as long as no artificial ingredients were added to the final product. The claim does not address how the animal was handled or raised and has no relevance to the animals’ welfare.

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