What Are Your Favorite Websites?
I was searching for a thread that had a list of helpful links and I couldn't find one had been started. I know a lot of websites have been repeatedly recommended. How 'bout we pool our institutional knowledge here. I'll organize the links into categories.
All Things Veg*n:
European Vegetarian Union
International Vegetarian Union
North American Vegetarian Society
Toronto Vegetarian Association
Veg Source
Vegan Austrailian Network
The Vegan Connection
Vegan Outreach
Vegan Society
The Vegetarian Resource Group
The Vegetarian Society (UK)
Animal Rights:
All Creatures
An Animal-Friendly Life
Animal Concerns
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Vegan Street
A Veg*n For Dinner
Appetite for Profit
But Did They Eat It?
Candi - A Vegan Photo Journal
The Conscious Kitchen
Disease Proof
Don't Eat Off the Sidewalk
Eat Air - A Vegan Food Log
Eat, Drink & Be Vegan
Fat Free Vegan
Fearlessly Vegan
Frugal Veggie Mama
Get Sconed!
have cake, will travel!
Hezbollah Tofu
Iron Chef: VegWeb
Iron Chef Vegan
Living Cruelty Free
Love Like A Vegan
Megan the Vegan
Post Punk Kitchen Blog
Raised On Sunshine
Seitan Is My Motor
The Trials of a Vegan/RAW plight
Two Vegan Sisters
The Urban Housewife
The Urban Vegan
US Food Policy
Veg Bitch
Vegan Dad
Vegan Feast Kitchen
Vegan Feed
Vegan Freaks
The Vegan Lunchbox
Vegan Menu
Vegan Restaurants Master List
Vegan Yum Yum
Vivacious Vegan
Vive la Vegan / Dreena's Vegan Recipes
Walking the Vegan Line
What Kate Ate
where's the revolution?
Wild Yeast
Yeah, That "Vegan" Shit
The Cook's Thesaurus (food substitutions)
Low Budget Vegetarian
Wikibooks Cookbook: Vegan Substitutions
Environment & Veg*nism:
Eat Veg
GoVeg! Food Shopping Guide
How To Eat Beans Without Gas
I Can't Believe It's Vegan! (accidentally vegan groceries)
Taste Better (vegan beer, wine, and liquor)
Trader Joe's Renet List (for vegetarians)
Vegan Beer
Vegan Beer by Brewer (USA)
Vegan Products at Trader Joe's
Food Combining:
Alkaline vs. Acidic Food Combining
Boy on a Stick and Slither
Cute Overload
Passive Agressive Notes
Secret Vespers
Herbivore Magazine
Satya (no longer in publication)
Vegan Family Living (e-zine & podcast)
Vegan Views
Vegan Voice
Vegetarian Times
Veggie Life
VegNews Magazine
Nutrition & Health:
Additives (sources of food additives)
Calorie Count Recipe Analysis (interactive nutritional information about recipes)
Food Pyramids: Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health
Foods for Life (key nutrient sources for vegetarians and vegans)
Health Nuts (nutrients contained in various nuts)
How to Eat Your Vegetables Raw {ways to make digesting raw vegetables easier)
Nutrition Data (interactive nutritional analysis)
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (ethics in research)
Total Vegan Nutrition
Vegan Channel (ingredient list)
Vegan Health (vegan nutritional recommendations)
Photo Journals:
Tofu 666
Vegan Cupcakes
Vegan Menu
Compassion Over Killing
Foodie View (search engine)
The Natural Grocery Company (macrobiotic & vegetarian recipes)
The Post Punk Kitchen
Vegan Yum
Vegetarian Times (recipe directory page)
Restaurant Guides:
The Boston Vegan Association
Happy Cow
Living Vegan (restaurant & grocery store listing for select cities)
Super Vegan (New York City)
Veg Dining
Veg Paradise (Los Angeles)
Vegan Eating in Any Restaurant (vegan options at chain restaurants)
Vegan World Order
Veggie Heaven
Self Interest:
43 Things (share a list of goals and post your progress)
1 Bag At A Time (reusable grocery bags)
Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe
Food Fight Vegan Grocery
Pangea Vegan Store
Sjaak's Organic Chocolates
Veg T-Shirts
Vegan Essentials
Vegan Honey Bake Shop
Vegan Pimp
Vegan Street Market
Spirituality & Veg*nism:
Christian Vegetarian Association (Christian)
GitaMrta (Hindu)
God's Direct Contact (Buddhist)
Hacres (Christian)
Jesus Veg (Christian)
Jewish Veg (Jewish)
VegWeb Topics:
Vegan Shoes Topic Directory (vegan shoe threads)
Steven the Vegan
vibrantenergy (YouTube channel)
Cute Overload - http://www.cuteoverload.com
This website has been scientifically proven to raise one's mood and brighten anyone's day. It is also very informative as to the various positions cats can get into, and teaches visitors about various animals from all over the globe, including seals, tigers, otters, and giant-eared rodents. This website also helps people to determine their pulse, for you do not smile after visiting this website, then you do not have one.
Okay, I'll change this if it's not institutional enough, but I couldn't resist plugging a fun website that also promotes the love of animals. ;D
Cute Overload - http://www.cuteoverload.com
Okay, I'll change this if it's not institutional enough, but I couldn't resist plugging a fun website that also promotes the love of animals. ;D
I love this site! Totally institutional. :D
Pulled from hibiscus' post in the B-12 deficiency thread. I don't know how I missed it, but I haven't seen this site before. Exciting stuff.
Vegan Health: http://www.veganhealth.org/sh
Provides accurate information about the known health benefits and gives specific nutritional recommendations.
I went through my bookmarked pages and added some more links to my original post. I only have one accidentally vegan link. I remember a couple of others, including at least one for alcohol. Do any of you have more accidentally vegan links?
I used to love to go on http://43things.com which is a blogging site where you list interests and post progress on them. That's actually what led me to this site.
People can read your postings and comment or answer questions. It's very inspiring actually. You give 'cheers' to people who you admire. You guys should check it out. It's a good starting place for many other reference sites.
I found the vegan alcohol link. Anyone know of more veg*n magazines?
The veg*n directory is not quite done, but go to my original post to see what links I have so far.
All things vegan
Vegan Health is part of a larger site called Vegan Outreach that is very cool: http://www.veganoutreach.org/
It's already been mentioned, but I love Yeah that Vegan Shit! LindyLoo makes me laugh so hard!
Another blog, The Concious Kitchen, has great food porn: http://consciouskitchen.blogspot.com/
Pangea Vegan Store: http://www.veganstore.com/
Wikibooks Cookbook: Vegan Substitutions: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Vegan_Substitutions
HH, great thread! It should be a sticky ;)
Thanks, vd. I can't believe I forgot Pangea. ::)
jm - I added the link to the Popular Thread Directory. It's "Vegan Websites- Health, Shopping, Blogs, Etc." under "Of General Popularily and Interest."
I have a new food blog! It's
Can we sticky this thread too?
Also, http://hezbollahtofu.blogspot.com/
They veganize Anthony Bourdain recipes.
Added! Nice blog, kmk.
It's hard to find, but under Vegan Food & Cooking, there's a sticky for bp's Popular Thread Directory. Back in my mod days when I could modify posts, I stuck a link in there for this thread. It's at the bottom of the list, Veg*n Websites. When we were at stemma I added links, but they'r lost now. You have reminded me to work on this.
Oh OK. That's easy enough. Thanks!
it is mainly a vegan restaurant guide for LA but has expanded it to minneapolis/st. paul, san diego and tijuana.. they also have some other things like grocery store guide, recipes, veg news etc..
Just for fun:
Secret Vespers
Boy on a Stick and Slither
Passive Agressive Notes
http://www.oddee.com (particularly, the Old Adverts section!)
Most of my "favourites" are things that probably wouldn't interest most VWers! I do tend to specialise in the obscure! 8-)
Great list ;)b
Was wondering if you might like to mention my website too?
I am an advocate for animal and environmental protection. I made my website to help educate others on a variety of concerns/issues and.. my website is a link to other great websites too!
Thanks for considering :)
http://www.deviantart.com/. Art and "art".
http://www.meetup.com/. Find people to hang out with in your town...
http://io9.com/. SF news.
http://www.happycow.net/. Worldwide guide to vegan and veg food.
http://www.skydiveoregon.com/. As soon as I have money.
Has nobody mentioned freerice?
Guess at the meaning of words, and for every word you get right, the advertisers (mostly ethical/fair trade retailers) donate the equivalent of ten grains of rice. You can play for an hour and feed someone for a day.