WebMD: 'Lowfat Vegan Diet for Reversing Diabetes'
I like this, 'cause it's a writer on a mainstream medical/ health site, framing a vegan diet (or 'plant--based diet', for those who follow it for health reasons only/ make occasional exceptions) as a serious, reasonable, valid approach to improving a medical condition (duh, right?!). He's reviewing Dr. Neal Barnard's approach to reversing diabetes through diet, and generally treats Barnard's ideas as medically sound & advisable.
The only thing annoying is the author's presumption that 'it's to difficult for most people to follow'... I had to chime in about that, of course, somewhere on page 2 of the 'comments' (feel free to do the same!)-- everyday activism, right?! -- *totally* false assumption... but anyway, here's the link:
Forward to diabetic omni relatives, at will!
Only forward to type two diabetics.
Only forward to type two diabetics.
Right! Sorry! ... in a hurry/ posting from work... ::) Thanks, Courth!
Kudos to you and your well thought out response. It's frustrating to read others' responses and see excuse after excuse. It's too hard, it's not delicious, etc. If making excuses burned calories, we'd already be halfway to a healthier country.