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Very disturbing article.

really speaks for itself...

does the usda really believe that salmonella and e coli just appear on fruits and vegetables?

Thank Goddess I'm vegan. I absolutely cannot stand it when people say meat is "produced" or "manufactured, it wasn't "manufactured" it was held captive and slaughtered. Maybe I've been vegetarian too long (not that I believe that's possible), but I really do not understand people's obsession with meat. The thought of any dead, rotting animal carcus is disgusting to me and it seems so unnatural that people love it as much as they claim. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Gross! Just that fact that they use something called the "hide washing system" make me want to gag. The hide is the dead animal's skin, I wish they would just call it that.

Am I the only one that thinks the whole tomato and spinach salmonella incidents were planted by the meat producers? Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist, but really...


does the usda really believe that salmonella and e coli just appear on fruits and vegetables?

Where did you get this idea? In the article it even said that it comes from the intestines.


It is intentionally planted.   Anyone else notice how convenient it is that "they" are unable to track down its origination?  Our all powerful USDA and FDA cannot track down where the contamination starts, where the produce comes from- what farms- what produce, when they were able to track down salmonella and ecoli poisoning from specific restaurant salad bars years ago and are able to track down the numerous cases of salmonella and ecoli contaminations from the meat industry??  It is NOT just a conspiracy "theory" that something is amiss with what we are being told and what is happening.  It IS a conspiracy against the American people and many others in the world, in fact.   They want us, the mass poplation, to believe all this crap so we will not speak out and fight the laws they are attempting to put into place that will make it mandatory to irradiate (use radiation on, thereby killing all living enzymes and nutrients found in our raw fruits and veggies) ALL our food, including raw fruits and vegetables. It goes back to Codex Alimentarius, the world food Nazis (literally- it was headed up by actual ex-Nazi scientists who worked for Hitler- no joke, headquartered in Germany and Rome, and who came into power with the United Nations a few years back by saying they wished to influence food policy for all countries to "help" be able to feed the poor, third-world countries and nations. Now they have laws introduced and passing in huge countries like the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia that are and have restricted vitamins, and are trying to limit true nutrient rich foods to the mass populations.  Why??  It's called Eugenics.  It's been around since before Hitler, but he is the most famous for it.  They just realize now that they have to be more subtle about how they do it as people will fight it if it became too obvious, just like we fought to stop Hitler eventually when we realized how incredibly horribly murderous he was acting to people some believed to be inferior).  They are irradiating meat now instead of enforcing laws to better handle the and treat the animals and the meat in the slaughterhouses.  They are now irradiating raw almonds.  Theses are the baby steps they are taking to make us think we need to irradiate (nuke and kill) all our foods.  It started with the spinach scare, now it is tomatoes and now they are "questioning" even more produce.   An easy, and the most healthy, fix would be to simply mandate that these big factory farms not be allowed to use fertilizers with animal blood  from the filthy factory farms and also human excrement from the waste treatment facilities in their fertilizers.  Change factory farming practices and we will see a better quality product all the way around!   

You can learn more by Googling these things I've mentioned. And checking out the thread here on Codex, too.  Lots of info around, although most people want to keep their heads in the sand and pretend it is not happening.  It is scary, but we can stop it if enough of us talk about it and get it into mainstream public forum.  "They" depend on us remaining quiet in order for their plans to succeed.          


I like the way the article neglected to mention that E Coli is also present in the human intestines as well. 

Lets just keep the public ignorant, makes it easier for the big coorporations to take advantage of them.


I like the way the article neglected to mention that E Coli is also present in the human intestines as well. 

Well yeah, but there are harmless strains and there are strains which are toxic to humans.  They're not all the same, which is why food contamination is dangerous.  That there are bacteria in our intestines isn't really relevant to food contamination.

I don't know if I buy the conspiracy theory.  Honestly--of course they don't want to admit where the E coli in spinach and tomatoes came from.  It came from the manure or some other runoff from animal agriculture.  So, the animal agriculture industries (read: USDA) don't want this info to be publicized because it draws attention to what a disgusting mess these industries are.  Makes sense.

Food irradiation arose as a way to decrease contamination by insects and bacteria.  It's a highly effective way of killing practically 100% of these organisms to ensure a safe food supply.  Now we know that it very well may be bad for our health.  Maybe I'm naive, but I buy this. 


Let's just all eat vegetables.

The end.


mkay, sounds good.

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