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Veg*n Movie Quotes

I am a movie quotes addict.  I was wondering if anyone could think of any cool quotes about veganism/vegetarianism from movies.  Here is one that comes to mind from Igby Goes Down

Igby: Are you a vegetarian?
Sookie: Why would you ask that?
Igby: I've just never seen anybody roll a joint like that.
Sookie: What does that have to do with being a vegetarian?
Igby: Oh, they're just so precious.
Sookie: I roll perfect joints.
Igby: I'm not putting them down, they're incredible.
Sookie: Well, thank you.
Igby: It's incredible that a human being can make such neat, little joints.
Sookie: You make it sound as if I'm anal or something, just because I know how to roll a perfect joint.
Igby: No, not anal. Vegetarian.
Sookie: Well, what does that mean?
Igby: Well, you don't roll like, big rasta spliff joints, do you? Your joints are like salad joints, not like a big, sloppy, bleeding cheeseburger-that-you-rip-into-kind-of-a-joint joint.
Sookie: I guess marijuana isn't a visceral experience for me.  :D  (I love that part!)
Igby: Right.
Sookie: Ok, so I am a vegetarian, but for purely moral reasons.

haha i love that movie... and that part of the movie


I love that movie close! and awesome quote. I dunno if tv quotes count but this is from Buffy (the first TV show to use the word "vegan"):

Secretary: Mr. Snyder, Billy Crandal chained himself to the snack machine again.
Principal Snyder: Pathetic little no-life vegan.

some more tv veggie quotes:

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