US & Pakistan
Posted by humboldt_honey on Nov 26, 2008 · Member since Feb 2007 · 12529 posts
Does it seem like the US is trying to provoke Pakistan so the US can go to war against them before Bush leaves office? We keep bombing inside their country and the first thing on the news about Mumbai is that people from Pakistan are behind the terrorist attack - true or not I don't know.
I really have no idea. I try to avoid conspiracy theories, but in this case I'm confused.
I can't imagine Pakistan would be dumb enough to be provoked into a war, if that is what the administration is trying to do. They'll probably bitch and moan, then wait 2 months until the president isn't a crazy and spiteful child.
That's what I thought, until I heard the news blaming Mumbai on a group from Pakistan. It could be a totally fringe group, but the news is playing up the Pakistan angle. Like we couldn't get them to react to our bombing their country so now we're going to say they were agressors against citizens somewhere else.
It's like the debate about whether FDR knew about Pearl Harbor ahead of time and allowed it to happen so he could get the US into the war.