Support Academic Freedom at Cornell
Posted by ~treehugginghip... on Apr 11, 2009 · Member since Sep 2007 · 3036 posts
As many of you know, Dr. Campbell's course, NS200, formerly known as Vegetarian Nutrition, was pulled from the course catalog without explanation by a faculty member with financial ties to the dairy industry. Help overturn this decision by signing our online petition - we are close to 800 signatures, with a goal of 5000 in the next two months.
click on the following link to sign the on-line petition.
Absolutely! I signed.
I went to Cornell, and I remember searching for this course in the catalog and noticing that it was no longer offered. I had no idea about the happenings that led to its cancellation. That is appalling. I love Cornell dearly, but the way it kisses ass to the meat and dairy industries is so disappointing.
damn. But at least their vet college treats Farm Sanctuary's animals...hopefully that will give vet students some perspective on farmed animals' lives and how valuable they are.