Start saying goodbye to organic food
Posted by CraftyChef on Mar 09, 2009 · Member since Mar 2009 · 1 posts
Govt nonsense at its best. They want to regulate the heck out of organic and small, safe farmers and not only send them to the poorhouse, but also force them to use chemicals like the corporate farms do. All in the name of food safety. Ironic, isn't it?
I urge you to contact your legislators while this is still in committee. They are all anxious to stamp "we care about tainted food deaths" on their foreheads and will pass this in the wink of an eye unless we do something about it now.
Read more here, and please tell your friends to save safe food with you - 'cuz, the govt ain't gonna do it.
am i reading this right???
taken from the H.R text:
(7) the Food and Drug Administration, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, has regulatory jurisdiction over the safety and labeling of 80 percent of the American food supply, encompassing all foods except meat, poultry, and egg products, as well as drugs, medical devices, and biologics;
so they must label all foods EXCEPT animal products? so people wont know what hormones or additives are in their animal products??? isnt that whats causing all of these food bourne illnesses? factory farming? i am confused.
am i reading this right???
taken from the H.R text:
(7) the Food and Drug Administration, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, has regulatory jurisdiction over the safety and labeling of 80 percent of the American food supply, encompassing all foods except meat, poultry, and egg products, as well as drugs, medical devices, and biologics;
so they must label all foods EXCEPT animal products? so people wont know what hormones or additives are in their animal products??? isnt that whats causing all of these food bourne illnesses? factory farming? i am confused.
It might mean that another agency has regulatory jurisdiction.
eta: I just looked it up. The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is responsible for meat, poultry, and egg labeling.
ah ok.
I heard about this from the farmers at the farmers market. They say the govt is trying to drive small farms out of business. Thanks for posting this.
has anyone heard any progress on this?
Of course the government wants to drive small farms out of business. Who forms government policy? Politicians. Who gives the politicians money? Giant agribusinesses. Who gets a ton of corporate welfare? Giant agribusinesses. Who wants to remove ALL competition for their products? Giant agribusinesses. Now. personally, I'm all for GMOs if they can be produced more efficiently and harm less of the environment. Heck, if they can gene-splice a tree that grows steaks I'll be able to have steak again! So I don't view "organic" foods as the end-all be-all. But it's absolutely immoral and unethical for anyone to try to drive organic farmers out of business. This is something you have to be mobilized about.
If anybody is really interested to grow their own organic food (with own hands! Than you'll really know, what you eat), I'll give you a hint. It's a bit crazy, but, who knows, maybe eventually you'll be interested.
This screams corporate lobbyist!