Raw food documentary
Posted by closeyoureyestosee on Apr 15, 2009 · Member since Jan 2007 · 1218 posts
Check out the trailer, pretty incredible! http://www.rawfor30days.com/RawFor30/ReverseDiabetes5.html
Check out the trailer, pretty incredible! http://www.rawfor30days.com/RawFor30/ReverseDiabetes5.html
Great link! The lady who cheered when her BG was 111 was a moving scene. I might have to get that.
I'm a little concerned about the "You're cured of diabetes" claim. They need to add the cavieat that they aren't "cured" but have a repreieve if they follow a strict diet and exercise program for life.
Oh here is my friend Claire and her friend Lyn, they are tooooooo cute!
And here is their blog :)>>> http://www.beautiful-vegan.blogspot.com/
Wow! That looks so amazing! man...I would really love to have this but I can just not justify spend $40 right now...I hate that they are only giving all the bonus stuff away till the end of April!!! Blerg...oh well...perhaps my library will get in a copy and I can watch the documentary--I saw a lot of people that i love in there--including the Beckwiths! I got to meet them at an inspirational day of meditation, they are awesome!
Thanks for the links!!!! they are AWESOME!!!!
Wow, I really want to see this documentary!