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Pescatarian in dictionary

"Pescatarian" has been added to the new addition of the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (but still gets a red line for spell check).

Pescatarian (1993): vegetarian whose diet includes fish

the 1993 is the year that M-W first found it used in a publication

I don't know that I really like the definition........."vegetarian who eats fish......"

Do pescatarians think of themselves as vegetarians?

I have a friend who calls herself "vegetarian" but eats chicken and fish/seafood (quite often, from what I can tell).  It annoys the crap out of me.  I was at a restaurant with her once and whenever something came out she'd ask if it was vegetarian, and the waiter would  be like "um, it's chicken..."??? and she goes "yeah, that's ok."
Way to confuse the public, friend.  People like her are the reason most of you have stories about being offered fish, etc. as a "vegetarian" option.

thats the worst!  i had a VEGAN friend like that.  a vegan who ate birds and fish.  .... confuuusing!


permanentgrin & hiimkelsi:

I think your chicken, bird, fish eating friends are confused.

Perhaps we will have to stage an "intervention!"


permanentgrin & hiimkelsi:

I think your chicken, bird, fish eating friends are confused.

Perhaps we will have to stage an "intervention!"

;D Are you an A&E Intervention fan??

eta: MR. C, Is it possible to be vegan "some days"? ........and not others



No, definitely not possible to be vegan "some days" (guess I need to rephrase that!), but is possible for a non-vegan vegetarian to go many days a week or month eating no dairy and wearing red converse all-star canvas shoes (my wife calls them "clown shoes", says they look like I should be in the CIRCUS - do you think she doesn't like them?) or more low-keyed canvas shoes as opposed to leather shoes. I've seen some folks call this pre-vegan - huh? I simply say I am a lacto-vegetarian. Now that you have admonished me, I'll modify the profile!

Since I am an "old-timer" on the planet earth (not sure there are many older than me around here), but new to the vegweb community, I must confess don't know what "eta" means. This must be some text message lingo. Also, when I tried to put an emoticon (I think that is what they are called!) in this reply, it instead says "java script void" Thought I've used emoticons previously, but this may have been in a message. Please translate eta and give advice on how to put a yellow face in a post.

I attended a university in Kansas City a couple of years - talk about the land of BEEF and STEAKS. I had a day-glow orange posterboard I cut down and put 2" black vinyl letters on it which read "IS YOUR BODY A GRAVEYARD FOR DEAD ANIMALS?" This was in the back window of my Ford Pinto station wagon. Needless to say, it was not uncommon to get the middle finger from folks, but there were some fine occasions when someone would honk and give me a clenched fist of solidarity.


Failed to add, not aware of Intervention on A & E. Only intervention I've ever seen on TV was in The Sopranos - they ended up beating the subject of the intervention. I suspect that is not how interventions are supposed to work!


hehe, thanks for that response. I enjoyed that.

As far as "eta" means edited to add. I posted the first statement, then came back after reading your profile, hit "modify," and added the second statement. The smilies are all above the box ^. See them up there? Just click on one, and there it is in your post! Silly old-timer, you!  ;)

Anyway, I wasn't admonishing you, per se..just wanted to hear your take on it...mainly. After this, I'll look at your modified profile. What "keeps" you from veganism? Leather shoes the other days of the week? I'm partly joking, here!

haha..I just thought of "pregan" ..maybe that's already been used..I dunno...but pregan schmeegan.

I'm from Texas. The actual land of beef and steaks.  :'( Now in Montana...the other land of beef and steaks.

I just saw your new post. You could have come back and said "fta!" That could be a new one. Intervention on A&E is very can watch it on youtube.........if you're up on all that kind of stuff....... ;)


No, definitely not possible to be vegan "some days" (guess I need to rephrase that!), but is possible for a non-vegan vegetarian to go many days a week or month eating no dairy and wearing red converse all-star canvas shoes (my wife calls them "clown shoes", says they look like I should be in the CIRCUS - do you think she doesn't like them?)

Then she wouldn't like my shoes:


Do you wear those to work, hh? I had flame converse at one point.


Yep, I wear them to work.  I replaced the laces.  I wear long pants, so you can only see the very toe of my shoe anyway.  In fact, I wore the scraggly pants you see in the picture to work today.  You'd think I'd have to dress better for work, but I don't.  It's sweet.


It's a hh foot in shoe and bottom of leg!! I've seen her, I've seen her!  :>


Yep, I wear them to work.  I replaced the laces.  I wear long pants, so you can only see the very toe of my shoe anyway.  In fact, I wore the scraggly pants you see in the picture to work today.  You'd think I'd have to dress better for work, but I don't.  It's sweet.

hh!!! those shoes are awesome! you rock!!!  i had some plaid chucks in my ska days.  haha.  actually.  i still have them. 

you can see my new haircut too.

those are actually on my feet stretched up next to my head.

haha i just remembered.  i bought these used in 1997 (7th grade) off of ebay for 11$.  the next year i went swimming with them in a river.  thats when they started looking gross.  10 YEARS AGO!  hahahah.  these are still my favorite shoes.


HH, now those are some shoes!

All it took was one post from an "old timer" to detour from the topic of "Pescatarian in dictionary" to Converse All Stars. Not my intention, but an interesting detour.

Allychristine, thanks for getting things going on this topic. First time I have dipped my toes in the water and had fun with all of you. Will be off the board about 10 days, hope to participate then 8)


All it took was one post from an "old timer" to detour from the topic of "Pescatarian in dictionary" to Converse All Stars. Not my intention, but an interesting detour.

Ha!  Stick around and you'll see that the beginning topic for any thread is just a suggested starting point.  We're not too good at keeping on topic.



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