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Obese Monkeys due to tourist overfeeding


At first I couldn't help myself from giggling because the first picture looks a whole lot like a monkey version of this guy I know, but now I'm angry and wondering how the park staff could let this get so far. The poor things can't move around.

The article is really short and doesn't contain a lot of info. but I'm just surprised that they were allowed to become so overweight.

OMG. I was not expecting them to be that huge. That is horrifying  :'(  :'(  >:( UGH


I was not expecting them to be that massive either.  That is sad.  People are decreasing their life spans by doing that. 


those poor monkeys!  thats so terrible : (


Not only is it irresponsible to allow people to gorge them like that, but monkeys (and other animals) who get used to tourist handouts often get agressive if the treats are not forthcoming! Here in Spain we had a place that it was almost like paying "protection" to the monkeys--it was stump up the peanuts and popcorn or get bit! They finally had to move part of the colony somewhere else and bring in monkeys that weren't used to being fed--and fine people who tried to feed them.


yeah, it didn't seem like the zoo there in Japan tried anything to get the feeding to stop besides putting a sign up. fining them doesn't seem like it'd be too difficult to implement and would surely do more than just a sign.


The article said their healthy body weight is 20lbs....  Umm...they had to become that grotesquely overweight before the zoo keepers decided to put them on a diet?  Way to keep on top of things guys!  ::)  So ridiculous!  >:(

Thanks for posting this article Laur B.

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