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Obama's "indoctrination" of kids K-12

Article is here:

Personally, I don't understand how this qualifies as indoctrination if the article is telling the truth for the President's side. This would not be a mandatory viewing, and the questions and follow-ups are not mandatory either. I think the questions are more of a guide. How is it indoctrination to tell kids to stay in school? Honestly, a lot of the people that voted Obama into office are actually from the neighborhoods where children are most likely to drop out, so maybe the children of those families would be most likely to listen to him.

I don't know. It seems to me that it's no more indoctrinating than the way we teach American history in the US. That's why I posted it here- to get other opinions. Sometimes I just can't see the other side. Here, I see the other side, but I think it's a stretch to get there.


hmmm....well, not being able to look at the entire suggested discussion topics, I can't draw a conclusive decision....Like the article stated, both Regan, and Bush did live video feeds into schools, and Regan's had live discussion....which is even fishier in my mind when it comes to the whole 'indoctrination' concept....We will only be able to make accurate conclusions when it airs...till then, it is merely speculation on all sides


Exactly. From the info presented, there's not much to go on. Unless you're a principal, you don't really know what's on the discussion sheets. So I don't really get why the Republicans are opposing it.


Wait, what?  What part of this is unethical?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but do people think that President Obama is trying to brainwash children to believe in his policies?  Seriously?  

Obama is our president.  This is relevant to our kids because what he does affects their education, period.  I don't see what is so outrageous about Obama wanting to address kids, specifically.  If anything, it speaks to actually giving a shit about their education.  The election is over--all this sounds like to me is a bunch of people having trouble accepting that. 

Guaranteed the questions are like, "Explain why staying in school is important" rather than "Explain why Obama's foreign policy and healthcare plans are the ultimate truth."  Give me a break.


There is nothing unethical about this speech.  It's just more of the vocal lunatic fringe spewing their garbage.  Opposing this must be the Republicans talking points for the week.  They attack over silly little things like this, because on issues that really matter (healthcare, Iraq War, economy) they have nothing to offer but more tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.


I'm confused.  On what grounds are republicans opposed to this speech?  Indoctrination?  What does that even mean?  What is Obama going to say in the speech that would be any different than what a republican would say?  The speech has nothing to do with Obama's agenda, its about the importance of education.  This just shows how all politicians care more about their own personal "careers" than the future of the nation they are suppose to be building.  A real politician despite the differences with the administration would support the speech because of the opportunity to improve the morale of students and hopefully encourage them to complete a high school education.

Disclaimer: all politicians (democrats and republicans) are equally worthless and selfish.


my teacher was talking about this in class... he said that the kids would have to watch the presidents speech in a classroom without their parents present and that obama keeps changing his mind about the topics he's discussing... i can see how that might worry a parent since they won't be there with their child to help them understand the content of the speech... or turn it off if they aren't agreeing with the material... but i don't think it would be bad if obama broadcasted to the children on the news and parents had the choice of weather or not they want their child to tune in... i dunno


Really?  Disagreeing with the content?  Christ almighty.  What, they think he's going to go into detail about foreign affairs and the state of the economy?

If people can't agree with "Stay in school.  Work hard.  Everyone can achieve." then I am seriously concerned.  

eta: My kids from last year new damn well that G.W.Bush didn't give a shit about them.  This is so important!


i don't understand why people care if the current pres. talks to their kids. they've been doing it for years.

ummm, i don't even like obama or our government in general and i still think it's appropriate.


People seem to have forgotten that Bush was talking to school kids when 911 happened. 


Heres the transcript.

I think it sends a great message, and it covers the same topics as George Sr.'s speech.  no big whoop.


I personally believe that a lot of students need more motivation and encouragement. For instance, I have two older sisters, each of whom have four children. My oldest sister has invested her time and energy into helping them (and pushing, pulling, prodding) to achieve their goals and responsibilities; all of them graduated high school; three went on into the military, one on to college. They had two parents who cared. My other sister would rather be her children's best-friend. She lets them party, she tells them that school work doesn't matter, good times do. So far, two of her children have dropped out, and it looks like another one will soon. These particular kids can't even spell past a 4th grade level.

I want to think that instances like that are rare, but I am not so sure. I am a bit scared that our nation will be in the hands of people who don't care to put the effort into achieving something great for themselves, let alone how doing something could help others too.

I don't see a problem with President Obama addressing the nation, it seems like education has taken a back seat over the years... other countries seem to put a lot more emphasis on education, and we are going to pay the price someday. I believe that I probably would have benefited from a speech like this, coming from more than just the president tho… it would be helpful to have family members, friends, community leaders, celebrities and so forth also driving this message of trying harder in school. 

I hope that today's school age kids take this seriously. 


We watched at school today.  I thought it was great.  My kids were really excited because they love Obama.  I don't always agree with the reasons they love Obama, especially how little they actually know about him, but in general, they think everything he says is gospel.  True day last week this kid was picking on another kid and "getting picked on" said "hey!  stop being mean to me! barack obama said that we should be nicer to each other."  So maybe they will pick up some of what he said today....hopefully.


It's only "unethical" because Obama's a Liberal and a Democrat, if he were a Republican then it would be "A-OK". Yup, the right wing-nuts are disgusting.

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