NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)
Posted by Beans and Greens on May 12, 2007 · Member since Apr 2007 · 169 posts
I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment! :)
I go through "binges" when reading, and right now I'm fascinated by the writing process.
Okay, I'm not sure how hardcore you are in your writing process binge, but the Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism would probably do ya some good in that arena. It's huge, and not cheap (I think used on amazon is about 50 bucks), but it's a book that I'll always keep as it's one of those that changed my life. It's chock full of theory (duh, right) but several selections swoop you in to the reading process, highlighting the roles of reader, writer, and the writing or 'art' itself...could be of interest to you. If nothing else, it's a handy way to engage with some really great thinkers.
I go through "binges" when reading, and right now I'm fascinated by the writing process.
Have you read any of Natalie Goldberg's books on writing?
And though I'm not a big fan of Annie Lamott, her book Bird by Bird is considered one of the best books on how to write.
Awesome. All are noted! ;D
I'm reading math textbooks on Topology and Modern Algebra. They all seem like fiction to me. *sigh* :( ???
Just finished Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza. True story of Tutsi girl who survives the Rwandan holocaust while her family, friends, and village are slaughtered. Doesn't get too morbid in describing the horrific events, although definitley conveys the feelings that come with fear, trajedy, and bravery, and overcoming hatred.
I'm on an Edward Abbey reading binge. I'm reading 7 of his books all at the same time, ranging from fiction to non-fiction. I love him.
Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins
I'm reading two books right now: The China Study and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love In the Time of Cholera.
I just finished Gregory Maguire's Mirror Mirror as well as don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements.
All highly recommended! :)
school textbooks. yep. marx and all that fun stuff.
I'm also reading an agatha christie mystery... in honour of halloween.
I'm reading two books right now: The China Study and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love In the Time of Cholera.
I just finished Gregory Maguire's Mirror Mirror as well as don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements.
All highly recommended! :)
I love Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He's one of the reasons that I haven't given up on fiction altogether. Speaking of fiction - I'm considering starting E.M. Forester's Maurice, but maybe I'll just watch the movie. I know. Opting for the movie is sacrilege on a book thread. ::)
Reclaiming History- The Assassination of John F. Kennedy by Vincent Bugliosi.
If you are at all interested in this hugely historic event this book is a must read. Bugliosi was the lead prosecutor in the Manson Family murder trial and is a highly capable criminal investigator and evidence analyst. He spent 20 years writing this book. It's over 1500 pages long in a fairly small font with tons of footnotes. It also includes a CD containing over 900 pages of source notes so you can check everything he says for yourself if you are so inclined.
You are likely to come away from this book with much higher regard for the Warren Commission than most people have.
Well, I am learning that writing two thesis was an utterly bad idea. Most of my reading is centered around health, BUT I just started rereading INFINITE JEST by David Foster Wallce! Seriously, I don't reread 900+ page books often, it is FANTASTIC!
Janet Burroway's Imaginative Writing: Elements of the Craft
How is that one? I go through "binges" when reading, and right now I'm fascinated by the writing process. Worth a look?
Well, as I've only just begun to read it, I don't want to pass judgment just yet. Honestly, I feel it's started off sort of cheeseball, but I'll let you know when I get a bit further in. I'm sure this sounds horrible, but it seems like it's from the "we're all amazing creative writers!" school, which I don't really agree with. If insight and challenge pick up as I read more, I'll give it a recommendation.
i wanted to say that i'm over halfway through the book now, and it's gotten much better for me. the bulk of the book is a collection of writing samples, along with many writing prompts. Burroway takes a somewhat scientific approach to creative writing, imo, but it's currently seeming to make sense. just wanted to update in case anyone's interested!
"Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self" by Claire Tomalin. Which should get me to re-read all of the Diaries again. Trouble is Tomalin's book is so heavy (second-hand hardback). Also reading some of Jane Austen's unfinished works: Sanditon, The Watsons and Lady Susan.
On CeltKat's recommendation, I just started What to Eat by Marion Nestle (she was interviewed in Supersize Me). It's a huge volume and does not promote veg*anism per se but is definitely veg*an-friendly, I think. There is lots of information about the merchandizing and adulteration of foods, though. I'm not sure I'll make it all the way through but I'm going to certainly try and at least read through parts and skim through others.
Hey mdvegan, i take it "blah" means you don't like it, huh? ;D I've tried to read the book half a dozen times and i really don't understand his rambling. Is it easier to follow when he's reading it? or is it a different book of his you have on tape?
Janet Burroway's Imaginative Writing: Elements of the Craft
How is that one? I go through "binges" when reading, and right now I'm fascinated by the writing process. Worth a look?
Well, as I've only just begun to read it, I don't want to pass judgment just yet. Honestly, I feel it's started off sort of cheeseball, but I'll let you know when I get a bit further in. I'm sure this sounds horrible, but it seems like it's from the "we're all amazing creative writers!" school, which I don't really agree with. If insight and challenge pick up as I read more, I'll give it a recommendation.
i wanted to say that i'm over halfway through the book now, and it's gotten much better for me. the bulk of the book is a collection of writing samples, along with many writing prompts. Burroway takes a somewhat scientific approach to creative writing, imo, but it's currently seeming to make sense. just wanted to update in case anyone's interested!
I'm interested. It's on my "to read" list which is getting ridiculously long.
I'm currently reading the latest issue of "Poetry" magazine, and I went through a small Poe binge. Short stories seem to be doing a lot better for me at the moment with my current work/life schedule, so I'm moving onto "The Mammoth Book Of Monsters" soon.
I just started Freakonomics (Levitt & Dubner) and The Omnivore's Dilemma (Pollan)
I know some of you have read The Omnivore's Dilemma; how about Freakonomics? I'm only a couple of dozen pages in, but it's fascinating.
I'm actually writing a fiction right now.
It will be in bookstores by next summer.
....OK not really. But wouldn't that be cool?!
I am writing a novel, though.
Right, and_it_spoke and thedharmablues?!?! You guys too!!!
I just started Freakonomics (Levitt & Dubner) and The Omnivore's Dilemma (Pollan)
I know some of you have read The Omnivore's Dilemma; how about Freakonomics? I'm only a couple of dozen pages in, but it's fascinating.
I just started The Omnivore;s Dilemma also.