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NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)

I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment!  :)

"Las Vegas" the movie is like "The Prisoner" (the 60's series) don't have to be high to watch it, but it helps!  ;D


I just started Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for a class assignment. I haven't seen the movie, so I haven't got much an idea of what to expect thus far. I'm really excited to get into it, though.

I read the book when I was a teenager.  I remember it made me laugh so hard, but then I'd hope some stuff didn't really happen because, if you think about it, it's really not funny at all.  Also liked the movie; maybe having read the book helped me follow it.  But then, I'm not sure it's supposed to make all that much sense...

Bats!!!!  :-D


Just finished
The Organic Food Handbook
by Ken Roseboro

Super Easy Read 74 Pages

Has some interesting facts to get you thinking.
Also got a few ideas from the book.

Book is current written in 2006


The book of Katherine Mansfield's Stories that I ordered came in to the bookshop and this being Easter Weekend, everything is closed as of this morning...and I can't get to it till Monday. *Whimper*  :'(


I just got "State of Grace" by Joy Williams. I havent started it yet but am looking forward to reading it, since I really enjoyed "The Quick and the Dead" which is also by Joy Williams.
I have also  picked up a copy of "The Best American Short Stories 2009".
I have read all the previous years editions of the series and usually enjoy them, some moreso than others, depending on who picked the stories for the year. I have only read one story so far, a sad-yet-thought-provoking story entitled "puppy". If you like short stories then I would reccomend the series. I love me some short story.


Oooooh goody, my favourite student just lent me the book I would give my eyeteeth for, which is currently out of print.(If anyone's interested, it's "La Vie en Images de Therese de Lisieux" by Helmuth Nils Loose.)  I now have some great reading for the weekend. It is an honour to be trusted with her copy of this book. I am also enjoying finding oddments that she sandwiched between some of the 459 pages of text and pictures: a coaster from a bar in her hometown in Senegal, a letter from her little cousin, a picture of another of her many nieces and nephews, a programme from some conferences she attended...It's a huge great hardback and weighs a ton so I only read it sitting at the table, having washed my hands first. I had a cursory look at the pics and can now go back and read the text.

Reading.  :)>>>


I just finished skinny b***** was..scary and hilarious at the same time!
Worth reading


Juicing for Life
by Cherie Calborn

Book is not vegan
except the juicing recipes

This book has some really great recipes for different
things like Candida, Depression you name it is in here.

If your library has it or find you at a book sway it is worth taking a look at it.

My copy now stays in the kitchen near the juicer.


I'm reading a comic by Art Speiglemen (sp) named "Maus".  Its fathers tale of his journey through the holocaust.  The people are portrayed by animals.  About half way through, its pretty interesting!

'Maus' is brilliant! And if you like that style of graphic novel you should absolutely look for some things by Joe Sacco.

I'm currently reading my birthday present from a friend: Scarlett Thomas' 'The End of Mr. Y'. He's a massive Scarlett Thomas fan and I'd never even heard of her. I'm a hundred pages through and enthralled.


i'm not reading anything right now (unless you count a Ranma 1/2 manga) but tomorrow Tamora Pierce FINALLY comes out with "Bloodhound" the second book in the "Legend of Beka Cooper" series. i've been waiting for this book since the first one came out 3 year ago... I just hope a bookstore nearby has it because they tend to suck when it comes to new releases


Eden: Tony Monchinski and Tommy Arlin


Finally got to the bookstore to pick up Katherine Mansfield's Stories. AND I finally get to read "Je Ne Parle Pas Francais" one of the stories which apparently caused quite a stir in her circle. Finally get to find out why.

Don't have class till 8 PM today...lovely, time for reading.


The Lovely Bones


I am reading World War Z. It is a collection of firsthand accounts from people who witnessed the zombie war. I am about halfway through and it is surprisingly good.


I just finished She's Not There (excellent!), am now working on Ethics into Action by Peter Singer, and That's Revolting! Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation (Mattilda/Matt Bernstein Sycamore). I recommend any of Mattilda's books, this and the other one I read (Nobody Passes) are filled with some excellent stories and essays from the lives of various marginalized people, very interesting and at times inspirational.

Ethics into Action is pretty good so far, too. Henry Spira puts the "spira" into "inspiration". HAH. bad jokes for the win.


Reading "The Chancellar" by Lawrence Schoonover.
Why isn't this guy more popular?  His style of writing is very detailed yet not over done.  I'm enjoying flipping the page, but also hope it doesn't end up anti-climatic.  I'm definitely interested in reading more from him.


I'm bringing Out of the Past:  gay and lesbian history from 1869 to the present by Neil Miller to training with me.  It's 657 pages, but from what I've browsed, it appears to be an entertaining fast read and I have two weeks.

I'm no further along on The Brothers K.


Finished the Chancellor.  It was good, but I think it lacked a good climax... though, it wasn't really an action story so maybe not?

Now I'm reading "Daughter of the Forest"  and I'm liking it.


The Lovely Bones

Alice Sebold is so freaking good.

I just finished Eat Pray Love, which I was peer-pressured into reading by LunaDayLight. It was a lot better than I'd expected (usually I'm very snobby and refuse to read bestsellers).

Now I'm starting Netherland, which promises to be kind of trippy but also very good. Plus! I have books waiting for me at the library ... got to go pick those up tomorrow! Yay!


Inkspell, the sequel to "Inkheart" and 2nd in the trilogy



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