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NVR - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Okay, I know I'm a big loser (and I'll never grow up!) but I'm so excited that tomorrow I get my pre-ordered copy of Harry. A few years ago when one of the books came out, probably The Goblet of Fire, I had pre-ordered it and it came to my house on a Saturday. Chapters had Canada Post delivering it specially for pre-orders just like this year. Anyway, the delivery person handed me the package and made a comment about some little kid was probably waiting for it. Little did she know it was for me! Is anyone else a Potter-head like meÉ (Sorry for some reason I canèt type a question mark or an apostrophe.)

Yeah, I got the book Saturday afternoon, and stayed up until 7 in the morning reading (with a few breaks for veggie dogs and an intense amount of caffeine). It was BRILLIANT. Absolute perfection, in my eyes. I'm such a loser... I cried virtually throughout the whole book. I can't believe it's all over.  :'( No more counting down the days until the next book... no more 10 hours of constant reading... no more guessing what's gonna happen next... Poo.  :'(


I'm in on the "big loser" thing. I have been so excited about this book, and it did not disapoint. I finished last night and now am sad that it is over!! My son has grown up reading these(he was 7 when he read the first one and now he's 14) so he was a little sad they are over too. What a great way to spend 2 days!!


No, no, no... no "loser"... no "dork"...  Harry Potter was a ripping good story that contained a lot of truths about human nature and the options we have.

Year 1
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Year 2
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

Year 3
The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.  (I take this to mean, make the best choice you can at the time and move on).

Year 4
You place too much importance... on the so-called purity of blood!  You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!

Year 5
... thoughts could leave deeper scarring than almost anything else...

Year 6
Voldemort himself created his worst enemy, just as tyrants everywhere do! Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realize that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one who rises against them and strikes back!

Year 7
No quote yet.  I'm still trying to not spoil anything for the next few days.


Right on HH! Losers are defintly not people who read and socialize!  ;)

finished mine last night! power read it in 12 hours! I was going to reread it, slower, so I could pick up all the little details I may have missed, but i am way too emotionally spent to even look at the book right now! I went through a whole box of kleenex , I just could not stop crying!


I'm sad they're over too. I was in high school when I read the first book. Now, I'm in my last year of getting my masters degree. Crazy.

And, I must admit that I also cried towards the end. But, probably for a much different reason than all of you!  ;)



I just finished reading yesterday,

Those books really saved my life when i was a kid, i read the first one 11 times the spring i got it
But i'm not sad theyre over though, im looking forward to reading them all over again and being able to catch up on the important details, and find the early clues

i hope someone'll write a hp companion, like the ones there are for lotr, where you can read about all the people/creatures/events and see on which pages they are mentioned. would be great no having to flick through seven books just to find the page that mentions the exact meaning of the stupefy charm (or is it a spell?)

well, have a great read, you who have yet to read it. by far my favourie for a while, up there sharing no1 with the Prisoner of Azkaban


For as comprehensive as almost anyone could ever want concerning Harry Potter be sure to check out .
They have added new features so you can see how many instances "Snivellus" is mentioned, or really any word from the books.


:Dfinished 4 am sunday morning...AHHHH I love i am empty....i think i will reread from book 1...all over again




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