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NVR - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Okay, I know I'm a big loser (and I'll never grow up!) but I'm so excited that tomorrow I get my pre-ordered copy of Harry. A few years ago when one of the books came out, probably The Goblet of Fire, I had pre-ordered it and it came to my house on a Saturday. Chapters had Canada Post delivering it specially for pre-orders just like this year. Anyway, the delivery person handed me the package and made a comment about some little kid was probably waiting for it. Little did she know it was for me! Is anyone else a Potter-head like meÉ (Sorry for some reason I canèt type a question mark or an apostrophe.)

oh man, i'm so excited! ;D i'm trying to be really careful about what i read on the internet because i don't want the ending to be spoiled! preordered mine on amazon, super excited for it to come this weekend! AND, i read:

The final installment of the mugglicious series is said to be the greenest book in publishing history -- a good thing, since it's set sales records at retailers like and Barnes & Noble. Sixteen publishers around the world used eco-friendly paper for the edition, including U.S. publisher Scholastic, which went the conventional route for the last Harry book and faced a boycott as a result. In all, says Markets Initiative, a Vancouver-based group that helps publishers go green, the switch for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has saved nearly 200,000 trees and avoided almost 8,700 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

So, it pretty much just kicks ass already.


I would say that I am also a "Potter-head".  I didn't pre-order, but I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on it!!  :D


I am SO excited. I also pre-ordered mine. I hope it's at my door at 6AM, LOL. I don't know if I'm going to be able to stop myself from reading the last page first.

I am a HUGE fan of Severus Snape. I could care less if Potter and his little sidekicks die. I just want my Severus to live.  ;)


I'm excited about it... but I didn't pre-order and it'll probably be a few months before I get around to picking up a copy.  I am one in demand chick, what can I say?  ;)

Yes, I have always loved Snape.  Dark, mysterious, intelligent...

<Ahem> Where were we?


I am SO excited. I also pre-ordered mine. I hope it's at my door at 6AM, LOL. I don't know if I'm going to be able to stop myself from reading the last page first.

I am a HUGE fan of Severus Snape. I could care less if Potter and his little sidekicks die. I just want my Severus to live.  ;)

I love Snape too. I like Alan Rickman when he plays Snape and actually find him attractive in the part. My 11-year-old niece thinks I'm nuts! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who likes him. I think this book will show that Snape is working for the good side and may actually be a hero for saving Harry somehow.


I adore Alan Rickman.  You're not nuts.  I think he's working for the good side, too.  And if not, well that's okay.  I still love Snape.
I also have a bit of a crush on Sirius.


I was making pizza in Yosemite when I heard they were going to make the first movie.  A manager there had turned us all into Harry Potter fanatics.  My very first words to the room at large were, "Alan Rickman better play Snape!"  My other favorite actor in the movie version is David Bradley who plays Filch.

I haven't surfed the web since last week because I don't want to run across a spoiler.  I'm worried that when I buy the book the cashier will tell me a spoiler.  I wish there was a self-checkout place where I could buy the book to avoid people.

I got home late because I got book-reading food for tomorrow.  I got my boss hooked, my co-workers hooked, and a new student assistant knows the story details better than I do.  I can't wait until I head back to work, so we can have a collective, "OMG!"


:D Ive been waiting for this since 8th grade. I cant get my copy till the working..would have liked to take afew days off, but want able too...  ::)


The good news is that in the afternoon of the first day of release, you still can avoid apoilers.  If it was the second or third day, it'd be a bit harder.  Of course, you work those really long shifts.  Will you be working overngiht?  Can you read at work?


yup, I sure can...For some reason, all month i have been thinking it was coming out Thursday so i thought Id get it before work tonight but when I called to confirm they were like : you can come out and pick up your copy at midnight on Friday... yeah right, cause Ill be a work...bummer. at last Ill have Sunday night and Monday during the day...hehhe. this is why I wanted the time off. But I think if you take time off from work its like a diagnosisable addiction.,..hehe. AKA=loser! yay! I'm a loser!


Okay, I know I'm a big loser (and I'll never grow up!) but I'm so excited that tomorrow I get my pre-ordered copy of Harry.

and here I've been thinking I must be a loser because I've never read any of the books or watched the movies.  :o  To me they don't sound interesting.


and here I've been thinking I must be a loser because I've never read any of the books or watched the movies.   :o   To me they don't sound interesting.

LOL... At noon I was mentioning to the woman from whom I buy lunch that the book was coming out in 12 hours.  She had to ask a couple of times, "Harry Potter?"  She thought he might be someone who comes in during the lunch crowd and she just didn't know his name.  She had no idea about Harry Potter and wasn't even aware of the hype.


Two years ago when the Half Blood Prince came out, I was working at the cafe in my local Barnes and Noble.  I will say that if you believe in Hell and ever wondered what it is is Barnes and Noble at midnight when Harry Potter goes on sale.  OMG!!!  Working that night was such a traumatic experience.  People went CRAZY!!!  But, I do love Harry Potter, and eventually read the Half Blood Prince when it came to the library.  I will do the same with Deathly Hollows. 



Ok, so I must be the biggest loser of all. I just stood in line for an hour and a half in Harvard Square in Boston to get my grubby little hands on HP7! It was pure madness down there. They closed all the streets and had bands and the entire square was covered in people dressed in wizard outfits and carrying wands. I only saw a handful of actual children....


Now if you'll excuse me, I have secrets to uncover!


Congrats, CeltKat!!  Enjoy!  Sounds like a fun night, waiting for your book.


jealous........Ahhh! Erg, I wish I had not agreed to take one of my residence to the movies tomarrow...I'd rather be reading :-( I think maybe we need to set up some protocol for the HP book...some people read more slowly than others. No doubt we will want to talk about it some but how will we discuss plot things without revealing too much to those who have not read it yet? There should be a warning at the top of the pages or something


No spoilers, I promise....

It was fun! What I love most of all is that all of that craziness was for a BOOK. Not a video game, not a summer blockbuster action flick, a BOOK. A 759 page book, no less!

YAY reading!


I got back from the book store about an hour ago, and I've read 2 chapters so far....awesome!

0 likes cool huh? Reading is much more fun than watching movies...movies are just over so fast! My parents didn't let us watch much TV but we did not care! we all loved to read! My parents read to us a lot when we were little. my lil bro had a lot of reading difficulties (some people refer to them as DISABILITIES, but that's kinda stigmatizing) so they got very creative with making reading fun for him. They would let him read comic books (now refereed to as graphic novels) and the other parents would scoff at them saying it wasn't good for him...and my rents were like  "aw, screw you. he's reading!" Now he is 18 and does sooooo much better with reading. Plus, he loves to read. My dad would read out loud to us right until I left for college. It was more a bonding thing at that point than anything else. We all just like to hear dad read! BUT, when my parents discovered grounding us had no effect because we'd just read the whole time they started "grounding from reading" so we were not allowed to read...(eventually they "grounded from homework" so we'd have to face our teachers without our assignments...imagine telling your teacher you don't have your homework because your mom grounded you from it? NOT happening.... :-[ but I'm getting off topic) I love to see my little cousins doing the summer reading program...It so wonderful to have that going on. :)

I'm happy for you celtickat! How exciting! You'll have to remember to tell your kids about that one day..


I am SO excited. I also pre-ordered mine. I hope it's at my door at 6AM, LOL. I don't know if I'm going to be able to stop myself from reading the last page first.

I am a HUGE fan of Severus Snape. I could care less if Potter and his little sidekicks die. I just want my Severus to live.  ;)

ok. i am probably going to get in trouble but i am too busy (moving  :P) toread all of these. though i do love snape.. and think he is good) i am almost positive he will die. also, i did not pre-order, i don't really like to buy books so i requested it from the local library, it will get to me eventually..



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