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NVR - Cops & DA protect white right to assail nonwhites >:(

Recently the subject of the usefulness of Youtube for broadcasting stories the mainstream media ignores came up in another thread.  Here's another example of something that is getting precious little attention, but owes much of its notice to Youtube.

Group seeks Justice Dept.'s help (

A 24-year-old black man who was indicted on assault charges for a June 1 melee with white youths at a McDonald¹s in Oceanside is getting strong support from a law enforcement group whose members believe the district attorney is pursuing a criminal case against the victim and not the assailants.

The group, 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, is calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to take control of the case against the suspect, Aloysius Staton, 24, of Uniondale, because, the group says, Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice appears to be ignoring crucial evidence that proves Staton is innocent. The group claims that a videotape of the racially tinged brawl clearly shows that as many as eight white teenagers were at fault in the fracas at the McDonald¹s, at 3135 Atlantic Ave.

The youtube link is:  Does anyone know how I use the little youtube embed button?  I tried putting the url between the two bracketed commands; that didn't work.

Seeing the video, it's pretty incredible that the DA can be keeping a straight face in all this.  Apparently, ONE of the white assailants was arrested AFTER people started hearing about this and complaining.

that is awful.  >:(


This video is a clear indication of why people shouldn't eat at McDonalds.

No, just kidding.  This is a serious matter so I shouldn't joke around.

It's pretty f°cked up actually, that none of those white guys were first charged with anything.  Granted, you can't hear which, if any, words were exchanged, but I think its clear from viewing it that the group of white kids had something planned, or at least were working themselves up into something.

Is it racial?  Can't really say for sure.  There's a line these days that is hard to see.  Is it two groups of friends fighting, as boys do (why? WHY?!?) and sticking up for eachother and they just happen to be black and white, or was it honestly started because of racism.  Who can tell?

It is completely unfair, though.  No question about that.

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