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*News Story* - Bear skips veggies for chocolate in Calif. home

personally, i find this hysterical - i can't say i blame the bear, even though his choice obviously wasn't vegan - ha ha ha.  Sounds a bit far-fetched (the champagne and all) - but if it's true, it's hysterical!


By Associated Press
SAN ANTONIO HEIGHTS, Calif. (AP) — Deputies say a bear with an apparent sweet-tooth busted into a San Bernardino County home and gobbled up a box of chocolates from a couple's refrigerator.

Sheriff's Sgt. Tom Alsky says the couple arrived home Saturday afternoon, found the bear chowing down in their kitchen and phoned for help.

The bear fled before sheriff's deputies arrived.

Alsky says the animal appeared to have pushed aside vegetables in the couple's fridge and gone straight for the two-pound box of sweets.

He says the bear also tried to open a bottle of champagne but was not successful.

Well, after all, it is California...must have been one of the Beverly Hills Brat bears!


oh, that's cute!

anyone see that show on animal planet called "grizzly man diaries"?  after seeing that i told brittney that i wanted to go live with bears.  of course, this is after seeing the final episode where one of the bears ate him and she looked at me like i was crazy and said, "uh, count me out!".

what?  it took him a good seven years to get to that point!  besides, if i had to go, that would be perfect since i'd be with all of my animal friends!


...i realize that i'm a little unusual and i'm probably alone in this (among other things)!  haha.

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