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New Website: Why Cultured Meat?

Hi everyone,

There is a new website, a very important one to my mind:

As you can read in the "About Us" section of the site, the activists behind this website (I'm one of them) decided  to change direction and are now focusing in the promotion of cultured meat.

For those of you who are familiar with a more veteran site (created by some other activist),, the new website is targeted more to abolitionist activists.

As for now, there are 2 main pages in the site:
1. Factors (activists should consider when choosing a path)
2. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

I encourage every activist to visit the site,  I think its material is fascinating.


Yeah, it's a debate we've had a couple times here.  My opinion is: is cultured meat vegan?  No.  Absolutely not. 
Might it do some good in the short term?  Maybe.
Would it be worth it?  I don't know.

Sorry to the original poster, I didn't mean to bring it into the realm of criticism.  Just offering an opinion from you target audience.  :)


It would also be nice if the OP actually had a profile so we knew a little more about them. As far as I can see, OP has not participated in any other VW threads, either.

It's natural that you want to advertise your website...but is this the best way/place?


"Sorry to the original poster, I didn't mean to bring it into the realm of criticism."

Nothing to be sorry about.

"It's natural that you want to advertise your website...but is this the best way/place?"

I don't see it that way at all. It is true, I want to advertise our nonprofit website, but there is an IMPORTANT reason for it.
I think that if it helps to end livestock (I believe it does),  we MUST advertise it (and vegan forums are one of the best places to advertise it).

It would also be nice if the OP actually had a profile so we knew a little more about them. As far as I can see, OP has not participated in any other VW threads, either.

Only one of us writes here (me). For my own reasons, I rather not give my personal details.
If someone will write us personally, he will get more details.

It is true, I didn't participated in any other VW threads.



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