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New Website from PCRM, NutritionMD

Here's a new website from the PCRM that I just noticed this morning while I was looking up something regarding a question about vegan nutrition asked of me by my MD brother (I already linked it on a few other posts). It looks EXACTLY like the type of resource site I have been waiting for and wanting. A website written by Md's and nutritionists for others in their field, as well as us regular folk (vegan weirdos that is).  :D

Next time one of your Omni friends, relatives, or co-workers starts giving you shit about your vegan diet..... asking you where you get your protein, calcium and all those wonderful questions we love to answer as we repeatedly have to defend our healthy and compassionate lifestyle......just keep repeating this website to them over and over and tell them to read the facts themselves. ::) ;)

Thanks!  I'll definitely check it out.  :)


Where is the section specifically on vegan nutrition, for those who ask about where I get protein, calcium, etc.? I clicked on the link you provided, then typed in vegan and just got a bunch of recipes.


Hey Dave,
Thanks for that.  I've had several family members ask questions lately about reducing their meat intake (hooray); I've forwarded them this link.

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