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Naomi Wolf speaks about the 10 steps of losing our rights

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  I read her book a couple of months ago. It's pretty interesting and well worth the time it takes.


FTR, I have an astrolger friend who says there is 40% chance of nuclear war on July 28th.

She's a big V Wolfe fan  >:D


Well, I can't figure out how to work this link or links but it's good to see Naomi Wolf's name.  In the early 1990s, our tech school had a three-month class for women to encourage us to take traditionally male-dominated classes (like mechanics, electrician, etc.).  It was quite interesting to me, though many of the other women acted like bored children for some reason.  The woman who taught it was maybe in her 50s, possibly 60s, at the time and a nice woman.  Our class watched a video on how men and women literally saw things differently (for instance, viewing a clip of a female clerk being nice to a male customer was generally seen as her flirting by males and as just being polite by females) and she told us about Naomi Wolf and The Beauty Myth.  I don't think I read the book but was familiar with the basic premise at the time because of the class. 

I remember watching 20/20 back then with Hugh Downs and Baba Wawa and they did a segment on Naomi and The Beauty Myth.  After the segment, Baba said basically that it was a load of crap.  I have immensely disliked Baba ever since, not that I liked her much before.  It was like Naomi sort of disappeared after that and I haven't heard much about her, although I looked her up online a couple of years ago to see whatever happened to her. 

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