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Moocows make an escape

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The sgt is a moron, but otherwise, I like this story.

I just wish that they wouldn't have been able to round them up.  Those poor cows are probably hamburger meat by now.  I hate it when I see cows in a trailor on the highway, I know why they are there and I can't help but feel terrible because I know what their fate is.


Yeah, we saw this on Countdown with Keith Oberman last night and I almost got excited thinking so many cows escaped...until he said they were eventually all rounded up. :(


:-\  Well they got to enjoy a few short moments of freedom...  Thats something!


Took me a while to get around to reading this (too busy harassing Puppy).

What disturbs me most about this article (besides the horrific fate of the cows)...I don't know the humor the journalist is trying to inject into the story...

"Cows Flee After Seeing McDonald's" "

"McDonald's? The burger joint? Stampede!"

"Maybe they were going to ... hop in the freezer, save the middleman"

"They didn't like their future"

It is bad enough that the people involved dubbed the roundup "Hamburger Helper" (how incredibly distasteful and disturbing), but the media then latches onto the story with the intent to make light of the poor cows' demise. And sadly, you know the typical mainstream American omni family is having a good laugh over this gathered around the dinner table chowing down their steaks. Because the point of the story, to every omni idiot who actually finds this funny, is that apparently it's "ironic." If it weren't for the fact that the "escape" occurred in front of McDonald's (of all places...gee, how knee-slappingly funny), the story would never have broke headline news. The point wasn't that the cows escaped and that they were rounded up (because I bet this hasn't been the first or last time something of that nature has taken place)...the point of the story was that it took place in front of McDonald's. hysterical...I can't stop laughing.

It reminds me of a video I watched via a link on an animal rights forum a few weeks ago. What the typical American finds side-splittingly funny about protecting and saving animals is displayed so disturbingly in this video. It's a clip of a stand-up comedy act by some arsehole who thinks its pointless and silly to save endangered species and makes light of the plight of animals, while making it look like the compassionate people who fight to save them are just silly stupid people, too. Check out how hard people are laughing in the audience. "It's just a bird!" he says over and over again. I want to say, "Yeah, and you're just a big fat ass-wipe!"


Took me a while to get around to reading this (too busy harassing Puppy).

What disturbs me most about this article (besides the horrific fate of the cows)...I don't know the humor the journalist is trying to inject into the story...

"Cows Flee After Seeing McDonald's" "

"McDonald's? The burger joint? Stampede!"

"Maybe they were going to ... hop in the freezer, save the middleman"

"They didn't like their future"

It is bad enough that the people involved dubbed the roundup "Hamburger Helper" (how incredibly distasteful and disturbing), but the media then latches onto the story with the intent to make light of the poor cows' demise. And sadly, you know the typical mainstream American omni family is having a good laugh over this gathered around the dinner table chowing down their steaks. Because the point of the story, to every omni idiot who actually finds this funny, is that apparently it's "ironic." If it weren't for the fact that the "escape" occurred in front of McDonald's (of all places...gee, how knee-slappingly funny), the story would never have broke headline news. The point wasn't that the cows escaped and that they were rounded up (because I bet this hasn't been the first or last time something of that nature has taken place)...the point of the story was that it took place in front of McDonald's. hysterical...I can't stop laughing.

It reminds me of a video I watched via a link on an animal rights forum a few weeks ago. What the typical American finds side-splittingly funny about protecting and saving animals is displayed so disturbingly in this video. It's a clip of a stand-up comedy act by some arsehole who thinks its pointless and silly to save endangered species and makes light of the plight of animals, while making it look like the compassionate people who fight to save them are just silly stupid people, too. Check out how hard people are laughing in the audience. "It's just a bird!" he says over and over again. I want to say, "Yeah, and you're just a big fat ass-wipe!"

Ugh, what an idiotic, irritating and badly-spoken 'comedian'. He's a rat! He's a damn rat!  :P  Gee, it's so funny to ridicule animals (endangered or otherwise) and the humans who give a damn about them... yeah, funny to the unenlightened saps who only think of animals in terms of how they can be used (or abused) by humans.  >:(


all of this stuff reminds me of the people i work with.  i bet they get a kick out of that james guy.  ugh.

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