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Just what exactly counts as "animal cruelty" to authorities...?

Today, there was a dog that someone brought it for a "tick dip" at the groomer at the vet/kennel that I work at. This is a furry little dog, kind of looked like a large papillon or something. When I left, they had already found over 75 ticks before they were going to shave him to get them all. This dog's "owners" said he is an outside dog. His nails are incredibly long--probably long enough to interfere with comfortable walking.

My question: How bad of shape does an animal need to be in before it counts as animal cruelty in a legal sense? Seriously, even if your dog is "an outside dog" (which is cruel in and of itself in this Phoenix heat), wouldn't you know if he/she had ticks? Over 75 ticks?! Poor dog...I bet those d*mn people wouldn't want over 75 ticks on them!

Oh, and someone dropped off a baby jack rabbit in a box at our vet. We found him this morning when we came in--probably was there all night. He died about an hour later of severe dehydration. WE ARE NOT A 24 VET! There is a freaking sign on the door saying "Do not leave animals here after hours. Here is a list of 24 animal hospitals in the area." If you're going to take the effort to bring him to a vet, go to one that can actually help him!

It was a bad day for animals at our vet today  :'( And a cute little old lady brought her cat in to be euthanized--it was really sad. She was so upset. I just wanted to hug her.

I'm not sure, but you just reminded me to make a vet appointment for the little fellow to the left, including having his hind nails trimmed.  He's beginning to tap dance on hard surfaces.


Today, there was a dog that someone brought it for a "tick dip" at the groomer at the vet/kennel that I work at. This is a furry little dog, kind of looked like a large papillon or something. When I left, they had already found over 75 ticks before they were going to shave him to get them all. This dog's "owners" said he is an outside dog. His nails are incredibly long--probably long enough to interfere with comfortable walking.

My question: How bad of shape does an animal need to be in before it counts as animal cruelty in a legal sense? Seriously, even if your dog is "an outside dog" (which is cruel in and of itself in this Phoenix heat), wouldn't you know if he/she had ticks? Over 75 ticks?! Poor dog...I bet those d*mn people wouldn't want over 75 ticks on them!

This is why I can't work directly at shelters.

But to address your question, knowing many officers, I can tell you they would likely SUGGEST you report it to a humane society.  However.  it is worth reporting it to the police because for each case/call they go out on, they have to make a report.  If these people get called in enough, there could be legal action taken against them - as in removal of the endangered animals. 

I wouldn't expect immediate results for a case of "minor" neGLECt (the dog was at least not starving), BUT THE MORE these people GET NOTICED, THE more they will be watched and the SOONER THEy CAN BE STOPPeD.  (having problems with more keyboard lately.)  It's even better if other people report them or your vetoffice officially does that way your repeated calls don'tmake you look like the "crazy animal lady".

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I'm probably a freak, but I take my pets to the vet for EVERY LITTLE PROBLEM.

I'm hyper-sensitive about it because damnit, they cannot talk to me and communicate if they're in pain (other than whines if something is really bad like an ear infection) but anyway, in going there so frequently, I've learned a lot like how to spot the ear infection before it happens, precautions to take, etc.  I mean, an ear infection is a small example, but in all honesty bad stuff can happen with untreated ear infections!

That's just an example, but I hate that people don't care about their animals.

Once it was 72 degrees out and I had to literally run into a store and it took me 5 mins max; I knew this before I did the whole thing, when I got back outside, some lady was standing next to my car (all windows halfway open, sunroof open, gloriously windy day- Chicago!) and she said she was calling animal control on me blah blah.  It was so horrible.  Nothing happened because it wasn't hot enough to warrant the call, but I just wanted to scream because my dogs are my kids.  I do take things like the weather into consideration before I invite my pup to come with. ARGH!


People are so ignorant to their pets needs. I live in a town house community and we are allowed cats and other small animals but not dogs (too small for them) and people let their cats roam all over the place. each unit has a small fenced in back yard, it's not super huge but it would be fine for a cat to get a nip of fresh air, but oh no! These people have to let their cats run all over the place and endager their lives! It makes me so mad and their is nothing I can do about it! I think you should have to be licensed to have animals!


People are so ignorant to their pets needs. I live in a town house community and we are allowed cats and other small animals but not dogs (too small for them) and people let their cats roam all over the place. each unit has a small fenced in back yard, it's not super huge but it would be fine for a cat to get a nip of fresh air, but oh no! These people have to let their cats run all over the place and endager their lives! It makes me so mad and their is nothing I can do about it! I think you should have to be licensed to have animals!

Check with the city and/or county Capture, they might have to be.  I know that in Battle Creek you are allowed only so many dogs and cats in the city limits and they are required to be licensed.  And if I remember right they're now requiring dogs to have the identification chips put in.   


My pup had to have a state AND a city license.  They are $25 for the city, but only $5 if you have had the dog fixed.  About what it ought to be with the fixing versus not fixing, 5x more.

I took Sandee for shots this last May.  A man had a pit bull mix chained up outside and was in to ask for a muzzle for him.  He has just picked up the dog from being impounded for biting a child.  The dog didn't have its shots and they had to impound to make sure it wasn't rabid.  The man said the dog was nearly 4 yrs old and had not had shots, but needed a muzzle to tolerate the vet coming out to give him a rabies shot.  Seems the owner was given 2 hours to get the dog out of the pound, get a rabies shot and get back to the police department, or they'd destroy the dog. 

This is not the dog's fault, it is the owner's.  If we did to people what is done to dogs in this country, this owner would be on the list for Euthanol.  This is an outside dog, a very cruel thing given our high heat in summer and rather frigid winters.  It was filthy which is bad for a dog.  It was vicious, not a choice, but a conditioned response to stimuli.  Obvious thin and not taken care of, although it had been fed while incarcerated.

ohhhh it just pisses me off when people use dogs as lawn ornaments!!!!!!  Living, breathing, thinking creatures submitted to every type of weather and FOR WHAT???

Then you have a mobile home lot owner who won't let a lady take her service dog out for a potty and feels that it is "appropriate" for the dog to stay in 24/7. 

DAMN IT GET IT RIGHT.  Being able to have indoor time to be warm/cool as appropriate and going outside to potty, to play, to run, to exercise is best for all of God's creatures.  Ohhh just pisses me off...I don't strictly like dogs as pets...I am not a dog person...I have a poodle I love to bits...can't understand not spoiling them rotten...some owners should be made to live tied to a chain...why are some people so stupid??? rant, rave, piss, moan, whine, complain


One of the problems is, that each city/state seems to have different regulations as to what constitutes "cruelty" and what is or is not legal. In Detroit, for example, you can't own exotic reptiles; in Denver CO, it's fine. In Detroit, an outside animal has to have food, water and shelter visible, in good condition (no mouldy food or dirty water) and of easy access to the animal, while in other places that's not enough for a citation. It would be nice if somehow on a national level they could come up with an "animal bill of rights" that would be prosecutable (if that's a word) in the whole country.

Having said that, they tried that here in Europe, with 16 diff countries which all have regional differences within them, it's not getting very far. Locally, the "leash and muzzle" law means the owner drapes the leash around his own neck while the dog runs free during walkies, and little old ladies muzzle their yorkies while the local pitbull cruises the barrio with no muzzle on...and the police (we have no specific animal control cops) take no notice. I haven't even seen a police presence in our area for about 3-4 yrs.


I would definitly file a report, since you didn't mention the dog is malnourished.. it probably does not qualify as abuse, but it certainly qualifies as neglect.

Whats the worse that can happen? Maybe  the AC Officer has a discussion with the owners about proper pet care, and Fluffy gets a bit of a better life because of it.


on the other hand, the owner DID bring it in to the vet. My concern is that if hey get reported, they will stop bringing it into the vet EVER! Talk with the vets and see if they can have friendly discussion with the  "owners." Its not right that the poor dog has to deal with that crap but it comes down to the question of if you would cause more harm or good with the call, particularly if animal control wont be able to do anything. A sad day indeed...I'm sorry  :'(

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