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Jamie Fox "defends" Vick and dog fighting...


cultural...fine so be it, but it is still harming a life many lives...

i respect culture..i don't respect torture...regardless of it's origin...


I'm with you on this one.  Our younger dog - rescue dog - was really badly treated before he came to us.  He still has a complete phobia about feet - anyone's feet, even mine after two and a half years.  I don't think he will ever get over it completely.  Oh, and strange men wesaring hats.  It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.  How anyone can think that deliberately ill-treating animals is ok in any way shape or form defeats me


"Cultural"?!  What the hell is cultural about dog fighting?  Can someone please tell me?
And even if someone could convince me that dogfighting is cultural (very hard to do), that doesn't mean that its OK.

If he didn't know that the dogfighting itself was wrong, then he couldn't have been stupid enough to think that kiling the dogs was OK.  I mean those dogs that weren't fighting well.  The ones that he admitted to strangling, drowning, and probably worse.

He can rot in hell for all I care.  Jamie Fox is an @ss too.

>:(  this subject really gets to me.


Jamie doesn't even know what he's talking about. He said he thinks it's a cultural thing... Who's culture though?  I'm Black American and this is the first time I'm hearing about this. WTF?!

Honestly, I think Jamie just likes the sound of his voice and had no idea what he was talking about.



This came up in the 'Vick's apology' thread, but I agree with Foxx, because I think that factory farms for meat or dairy are just as bad as dogfighting.  Each of them trades trivial human pleasure for animal suffering and death.  Dairy cows seem to me to suffer just as badly as Vick's dogs.  People react so differently to one than to the other not because dogfighting is morally worse, but because it is culturally bizarre to them.


"Cultural"?!  What the hell is cultural about dog fighting?  Can someone please tell me?
And even if someone could convince me that dogfighting is cultural (very hard to do), that doesn't mean that its OK.

If he didn't know that the dogfighting itself was wrong, then he couldn't have been stupid enough to think that kiling the dogs was OK.  I mean those dogs that weren't fighting well.  The ones that he admitted to strangling, drowning, and probably worse.

He can rot in hell for all I care.  Jamie Fox is an @ss too.

>:(  this subject really gets to me.

I agree! I have never, ever liked Jamie Foxx... He just seems like a pompous ass to me, and he "rubs me the wrong way" so much that I can't even watch anything that he's in. Ugh. He is clueless.

Dairy cows seem to me to suffer just as badly as Vick's dogs.  People react so differently to one than to the other not because dogfighting is morally worse, but because it is culturally bizarre to them.

Yes, I wish that people would react with the same outrage with factory farmed animals as they have with Michael Dick (hehe--I just made that up; I'm so mature... ::)) & his dogfighting, but most people think of dogs as companion animals & somehow "different" than farm animals. I disagree completely, but I am glad that they're standing up for something & showing outrage about these poor dogs.

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