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"I'm Vegan" documentary

There's some sort of documentary being made about vegans... I got this in my inbox today:

"Casting for "I'm Vegan" has now begun. Tell your vegan friends and family
members! To be considered as a potential profile subject for "I'm Vegan":

*Send 2 recent digital snapshots, one close-up and one full-length.
*Share your city, state, and ZIP code.
*Answer the following questions:

1. How long have you been vegan?
2. Why are you vegan? (and/or what was your "A-ha!" moment?)
3. What does veganism mean to you?
4. What is your favorite thing about being vegan?
5. What is your least favorite thing about being vegan?
6. What are your favorite and frequent pastimes or hobbies?
7. Please share any kind of interesting story related to your being vegan
(interaction with family members, roommates, schoolmates, co-workers, or
experiences at restaurants, cafeterias, etc., etc.).
8. Why should you be interviewed for "I'm Vegan"

See: http://vegandocumen "


Oh! Very interesting! Thanks for posting this Faun!!! I was interviewed for a documentary not long ago and totally made a fool of myself--it was on the spot so it wasn't like I was prepared or anything--but yeah...cameras totally can be intimidating!


oh interested in seeing the outcome of this!


hehe I know who's making this. It's gonna be pretty cool.


oh wow this looks awesome!  i'm gonna try to get michael to do this with me!  that would be so fun. 

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