if you are on facebook, feel free to defend me
Posted by lime green on Oct 21, 2007 · Member since Apr 2007 · 634 posts
so there's a new facebook app where you get free condoms. so i posted something along the lines of, offer vegan condoms because the other kind have dead baby cows in them. i was on my lunchbreak. anyhow, go check it out and feel free to comment:
good idea.
I'm not on facebook either.
I second mdvegan; Those people are beyond stupid!!
I got your back lime green. The response you got was quite militant, eh? :o
okay. left my response. *still fuming*
people are so ignorant. and they'll believe anything the dairy/meat industry tells them if it justifies their lifestyle.
wow. another reason i think facebook is stupid.
i left my peice...geez people can be such judgemental jerks >:(
i just have to say thatnreading all of those comments was awesome!!! it was like a vegweb vegan army of intelligence. we should always travel in packs like that around the internet. SWEEET!
I just can't stand it when people get militant about things when they don't have all the facts...or even when they DO have all the facts. haha. ::) That guy with the "goddamn you are stupid as hell..." quote. ERRRRR!! That just burns me up! When I encounter someone like that, it makes me judgmental, and I don't like to be judgmental!
It always blows me away how quickly people jump into a fight instead a healthy discussion! *sigh* Oh well, you guys sounded very intelligent and well researched, unlike some others who prefer to just run off at the mouth keyboard!
;D My frustration and anger at what those people said is overwhelmed by my excitement that all of you feel just as peeved. ::)
Done and done.
To give them the benefit of the doubt, a number of people didn't understand what you were saying (they thought you were against latex :o ). And then there were the usual, god-dominion blah blah blah, cows need milking blah blah blah, highly intelligent cliches.
Now, they might not go out on a quest to find vegan condoms, but at least more people will know now that there's some weird-o dairy ingredient on condoms... and being put into their bodies :o
apparently casein is used as an adhesive in beer bottles, too. i suppose the vegan brands of beer don't use that? (i'm not even familiar with this 'vegan alcohol' business anyway)
Wow, I don't even know how to respond to all the stupidity of those people...
dear each and every wonderful member of this website... will you marry me?
thanks so much for checking this out guys! i have to admit i got pretty irate when i read the two responses that were left first. i also realised that i probably should have left less information in my initial post. perhaps something more along the lines of "this would be so cool if you had vegan condoms too!" thanks for making me feel like a human being again.
I can't believe some of those responses - cows would be extinct if we didn't eat them???? Are these people morons? >:( Thank goodness we don't believe in eugenics-that dude would be extinct.
I can't believe some of those responses - cows would be extinct if we didn't eat them???? Are these people morons? >:( Thank goodness we don't believe in eugenics-that dude would be extinct.
i just responded to that. i think it is funny that some people sat extint and others say they would be over populated ???
there is no such thing as a species naturally balancing themselves. ::)
Try as I might, I couldn't stay away from it...IDIOTS
wow. i really should stop wasting time on facebook and just hang out here more often. you girls and guys are awesome! great responses. 8)
but here is the question, are there vegan condoms????can they be latex free ??? im so confused i had no idea condoms werent vegan >:(
GOD I HATE those people! Doesn't that one guy's squirrel arguement actually defend vegans? Since running out and catching one and biting right into it can't happen, it seems to help the arguement that eating meat is unnatural.
It really reminds me of this Piraro video cartoon. I don't have facebook and don't want to sign up, so maybe one of you should post this link and see what their response is:
wow. i just went back to this and their are pages of dumb, idiotic responses.
i just wrote a long post about respect and responsibility for your actions...