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Have any of you ever read two (2) books at once?

Now I don't literally mean having a book in each hand and reading them simultaneously.

I'm curious because I am currently reading the Harry Potter series (I'm on the Goblet of Fire) and I have a lot of other books that I am wanting to read.

I want to know if I read one, say Dune or something, during lunch and Harry Potter when I get home from work, would the stories get tangled up in my brain?  I don't want to be all like "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?  Yeah, I've read that.  That's the one where Harry and the Gryffindors defeat House Atreides in the Quidditch cup.  I thought it was a little weird when one of the Triwizard challenges was to help the Shai-Hulud protect the spice from House Harkonnen, though."

Will this happen?  I have a lot of catching up to do with my reading...

i am reading... hmmm, three books right now that i can think of, and that sounds about right.  i can never just read one.  i get too bored.  haha.  but i only read non fiction, and i keep it within the same subject for the most part, so the subjects do get tangled, but it improves each book by having more information from another source.


I mainly only read "chic-lit" and I only read one book at a time.  I don't think I could keep all of the drama straight if I tried to read more than one. 
What I need to learn is when to give up on a book.  Even if I'm hating a book, I'll still keep reading it because I don't feel right not finishing I'm a quitter or something.  Its lame.


The idea of keeping one as an evening book, and another as a lunchtime book is a good one. Helps you keep things seperate. Also, when I do read books simultaneously, I try to vary the genres so there's less bleed.


Two books at once ... I'm usually reading three or four at once. I wouldn't worry about the stories getting mentally tangled in your mind. Happy reading!


The stories would get mixed in my brain, but my brain is weird? I like reading one book, but you know..just sayin'...since you asked. I think I've probably read 2 at once, and that's why I have this opinion, now. I get really immersed in my stories.


Two books at once ... I'm usually reading three or four at once. I wouldn't worry about the stories getting mentally tangled in your mind. Happy reading!

I often read more than 2 at once. If you're paying any kind of attention it shouldn't be a problem, unless of course they're both by the same author and that author writes to a formula. Then it could be confusing.

By "formula" I mean someone like Katy Fforde who always has a pregnant woman in her novels, they drink a lot of whiskey and the heroine is struggling to make ends meet and has some weird job that makes you wonder how she doesn't starve to death.


(*raises hand*) yes, am among those who most often have several books going all at once ...

on a side note: one of my clinical projects did involve presenting the subject with multiple stimuli all at once; i.e., visual stimulus to follow with the eyes, like reading sample text, along with two distinct aural stimuli, one tracked into each ear, either two different languages for the bilingual patient, or something spoken and something musical, all of which had to be reported on at the end of the session; focus was on cognitive processing & retention.

~ fr


So the general consensus is that my head won't explode...
Sweet! ;)b



if a book is great, I will only read that book til I'm done, but usually I have a few ok books going at once


I always read 2 books at once. Or take a break in the middle of a heavy one to read several light ones then go back to it later. At the moment I'm 3/4 of the way through Dracula, about 1/4 of the way through Anna Karenina, and have just finished 3 relatively easygoing crime novels (which I read back to back, not all at once) and 2 magazines about the will probably pick up Dracula again to finish it off next.

I don't think you'd get them muddled! The lunchtime/evening one is a good idea, unless you get really caught up in one story and just want to keep reading it...


I plead guilty....IO have two timed on many many ocassions.
Especially seeing movies on my system.Two at a time .
Read two to three books many many times.



I often read several books at once...I find that they don't get too confused unless you put one down for a very long time.  But usually it's pretty easy to reabsorb yourself into the story or whatever if it's non-fiction.


Since I am basically killing time at work till I am let go next month.
I have my morning book to give me motivation.
Usually bring some vegan reading to work.
And at night lazy reading something like a magazine.
Have tons of them to read. Just not to interested in mags anymore.

Think of reading multiple books like watching tv.
Most people watch more than one show and keep up on whats going on.

No TV for me I enjoy reading to much


So the general consensus is that my head won't explode...Sweet! ;)b

no, on the contrary, stretching those muscles of attention & focus, your overall ability to should improve & your retention rate should rise.



Think of reading multiple books like watching tv.
Most people watch more than one show and keep up on whats going on.

No TV for me I enjoy reading to much

That is an excellent way to put it, UJ. How many women I know here who never crack a book (reading is "boring") but can watch 3-4 convoluted S. American soaps and keep all the characters and plot lines (well, I say "plot") straight, even though the actors often repeat from one show to another.

I realise that if my DH didn't record the TV he thinks would interest me, I would miss a lot of decent films (right now, mostly French). I am too busy to think about checking schedules online etc. And besides, TV5 schedule grille makes no sense to me...I'm glad he's in the "technincal service" department of this house!


Think of reading multiple books like watching tv.
Most people watch more than one show and keep up on whats going on.

This is actually what I was thinking it would be like.  I just think that reading requires a little more focus than watching tv.
Starting next week, I will be reading a book at lunch and one at dinner.  I will post the results.


for those who don't believe they can read a couple different books at about the same time, remember back to being in school, having several classes on your schedule, and following the texts - (homework & assigned readings, ahem!) - all t the same time ...

(doesn't mean they were particularly good at doing it or that they enjoyed it)

... but unfortunately, perhaps through lack of practice, most people let go of that ability.

'course, doesn't mean that they won't attempt, with varying degrees of success, to multitask at other times of life; consider those who chat or text on a cell-phone, adjust the CD or radio, and do other things while driving. hmm.

~ fr


I always have a couple of books in various process of being read.  I pretty steadily read fiction  I just finished one and started a new one last night.  I also have a couple of non-fictions going which take me a bit longer.  Right now I'm reading a history on Unitarian Universalism.  I'm also going to start "The Face on Your Plate" when it arrives from my bookclub.  Plus there's always a couple of magazines scattered about. 


I could not use the school theory because I forgot I was in school
20 years since I graduated.  :D

Magazines are always great fillers when in between books

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