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Has anyone heard of this...glad their feeding it to the kids.......

Anyone ever hear of this stuff?
It sounds like laboratory created "FrankenFood" to me......

I forgot to add this above...this is my favorite part:

"Sometimes getting healthy foods into (students) isn't always the easiest thing to do, if they know about it," said Maryann Lazzaro, the district's food service manager and a registered dietitian.

Perhaps they might want to tell the parents what they are feeding their kids.....they might want to"know about it"


I must say, Davedrum, that the part you quoted was what jumped out at me too.  Do school officials not realize that OF COURSE it's going to be hard to get healthy stuff into the "average" student when right next to the wilted packaged salad is a buffet of potato chips and ice cream treats?  That's how my high school's lunch line was.  What do they think most kids are going to get? 

And, yeah, that stuff sounds creepy. :o


I remember "grey" hamburgers  :o and some type of mac and cheese that you could use in art class later on if you needed some sculpting materials.....i think they also used some of the mashed potato left overs in the auto shop for kids to bond cars together and fix dents with  :D


i think it sounds ok. better than some of the other frankenfoods out there.

it is true though, that there were absolutely no good foods in my highschool cafeteria. it was french fries, french fries, french fries, or a sickly piece pizza with puddles of grease. or we could walk down the street and get a hamburger at the Charbroil, or a chocolate donut at the Coffee Time and those were our only options. It makes me queasy just to think about it.

Definitely, you wouldn't have to rely on wierd fat replacements if you had decent food available, or even better, just took away the crappy ranch dressing. Why are adults so self-disabling when it comes to kids? Not just teachers, either, but the damn parents that never taught their kids that drowning everything in ketchup and ranch dressing is a good way to have a heart attack!  Argh... there is so much about that article that makes me mad besides the secret food.


Seriously disturbing mainly because Look at what's in that stuff! 
2 of the top 5 allergens: soy and oats (often processed with wheat so 99% of the time contaminated)
/ barley  (wheat-relative -> wheat-allergy).

I sure hope they had the sense to inform the parents ahead of time.

Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
Mahatma Gandhi:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." 


Anyone else but me look at parent's shopping carts while at the supermarket with shock and horror? Blue french fries?  :P The regular frozen food isle is quite the chemical dump is it not?


I'm actually impressed with the rules regarding nutrition at the school I'm working at.  Students aren't allowed to bring chocolate bars, candy, pop etc. to the school at all (there was special permission for the day of Halloween only), nor are they allowed to bring certain foods which other students are severely allergic to (peanuts, fish, seafood, pineapple).  My complaint is that the meals served in the caf are not made with veg*ns in mind at all (small town NB doesn't exactly cater to a veg*n diet  ::)), but if you're omni I'd say that what they serve looks pretty good and seems balanced (this is from someone who has never actually eaten the food because I always bring my own, but I peek at other people's meals!).  Of course I'm at a K-8 school so it's a little easier to control the food than at a high school...


eww god. my highschool's food is disgusting

there's the greasest pizza ever made, french fries, mayonaise sandwhiches, icecream, fried mozzarella, bacon( yes--bacon as a side dish), foul "hamburgers" and "chicken patties", candy candy candy, soft drink vending machines around every corner, cream soups and wilted, smoothered-in-butter veggies.  Not to mention everyday outside the cafeteria there is a bake sale chock full of heart-clogging sweets.'s so upsetting.  What really pisses me off is the special needs students who receive free lunches eat this shit everyday.  Every fucking day!  And they can't help it either---no one is educating them how it's shit.'s not fair for them.


Anyone else but me look at parent's shopping carts while at the supermarket with shock and horror? Blue french fries?  :P The regular frozen food isle is quite the chemical dump is it not?

YES!  I am terrified of it!

Check this out: I read just yesterday that parents eat much more saturated fat than adults without children, including trans fats and other processed foods.  Why?  Catering to the kids.  I understand wanting to indulge one's children, but do the little ones really make all the household decisions?  And where are they learning tastes for these things?

I have friends with toddlers and cringe when I see their kids eating chips, candy, ice cream, pastry... and then the parents say they're "picky eaters" when they're too full for dinner.  Goodness!


Blue french fries? Is that real?


And they can't help it either---no one is educating them how it's shit. 

This is the saddest thing.  I am really terrified of the "pouring rights" soft drink companies can acquire to push their products on school campuses (they can't sell, but they can "pour" and vend).  It's okay to propagandize kids with unhealthful food habits but not to teach them nutrition, because that's somehow slanderous?  Really?  Aaaargh.


at the same school i mentioned eariler, some how Coca cola has rights to all beverages in the building.  You can be suspended if you're seen with a beverage from a different company (excluding coffee, tea, chocolate, juice and water drinks).  One of my friends received a three day suspension for carrying a paper Pepsi-brand cup in to the school.

I can't even imagine that is legal.......

On the note of looking in grocery carts, I love to do it too!  Most of the time i see a crap ton of frozen foods, milk, bread and snacking foods.  I've never seen blue french fries tho.....


I've lived in Europe since 1982 and it amazes me the changes that have ocurred in the US school systems since then. When I was in highschool (grad 1979, accelerated madly thru college), even still sunflower seeds were totally taboooo. (I guess because the kids tended to spit the hulls in the drinking fountains for some reason.) And to get caught with a can of soda on the premises was grounds for suspension! The first time you got severely reprimanded and your parents were called, the second time you were suspended for a day. I'm serious! Gum was allowed in middle and highschool, and chocolate bars were ok on your lunch break but frowned upon if you were seen eating them in the halls--it was, "take that to the lunchroom and eat it there." And this was stuff you brought from home, it would never have been considered to have so much as a water vending machine on the premises! Our only available beverage at lunch was milk, and there was a waterfountain for those who were lactose-intolerant--you could bring your own plastic or paper cups.
The food was "institutional"--heavy on starch like burgers (mostly TVP), the hated "fishwich" (it took moving to another continent for me to discover that real fish doesn't come covered in crumbs at source), and things like whatever ala king, mac and cheese--and the only fruit available were pre-segmented oranges and apple pieces that had been soaked in saltwater to keep them from turning brown (and which consequently no one ever ate.) What few vegetables were on offer had been boiled to death. Most of us only ate the main dish and picked at the other stuff or ignored it.
But icecream and sodas and junk food in the cafeteria? Vending machines on campus? Never. Of course that was the deep Midwest and we only got cafeterias in gradeschools in the 1970's. The horror of it all was that the cafeteria options were much healthier than the "lunchmeats" and treats mothers were putting in the packed lunches!


It might be a 'healthier' option to the real fat, but they are not teaching the kids anything... only reinforcing bad habits...
As a grade 1 teacher (5&6 yr olds), I have big concerns about what parents are sending to school with their kids for lunch... all the easy options: a donnut, chocolate bar, packet of potato crisps and a soda drink... how are these kids supposed to learn how to be active and contributing members of society with that in their tummies?
Over the years I have tried all sorts of things... but they tend to ignore all my notes on packing healthy lunches etc...they are just too busy.. so I just teach all my kids about health and healthy options... and then they go home and tell their parents what they have learned and actually ask for the multigrain bread instead of white and for healthy cereals... it works for many... a lot of parents just don't realize that the effects of a healthy or unhealthy lunch can be seen in the classroom as plain as day in the afternoon with most children... There needs to be a whole lot more education... for the most of society... 


For those who asked?!.....this is an older article (first one that showed up on google)

Blue Fries!



"Funky Fries Not Appealing To Some Nutritionists"

SOME nutritionists? i think that if your nutritionist found blue fries appealing, you should probably stop seeing that crackhead and eat some veggies.


Does this discussion remind anyone else of "SuperSize Me"??  The section of the film that went into schools was soooooooo much like my high school  :o  I was most impressed by the school for "at risk" teens - great nutrition program!  Such a shame big business is so, well.....BIG! (pun intended!)


at the same school i mentioned eariler, some how Coca cola has rights to all beverages in the building.  You can be suspended if you're seen with a beverage from a different company (excluding coffee, tea, chocolate, juice and water drinks).  One of my friends received a three day suspension for carrying a paper Pepsi-brand cup in to the school.

I can't even imagine that is legal.......

I think I smell something to get active about next Fired-Up Friday... I have no idea how or what to do, but this absolutely enrages me.  And you're right, I just can't imagine that it's legal either.

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