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Ha look what I discovered today - News Article

No, this wasn't found while doing my daily search through vegan sites.  This was on the main page of my hotmail account, go msnbc where they usually have links to lame diet fad articles and relationship advice.

I'm going to post that on my facebook. THanks tank!


That's a great article Atankcalledokay! Finally peole are putting the real truth about dairy instead of praising its so called great "calcium" levels.


That's a great article Atankcalledokay! Finally peole are putting the real truth about dairy instead of praising its so called great "calcium" levels.

Oh God! Everytime I hear someone say they eat cheese for calcium I want to bash their head in with a cheese wheel!! I hate that the myth that dairy is a good calcium provider is still believed and propigated by the health industry!

Dairy is one of the WORST things you can possibly put into your bodies--not only that, but dairy cows are some of the most horrifically treated animals of all CFOS :( makes me so sad!!!

Thanks for the link Tank!!


Really gross!  >:(
When I think that, yesterday, one of my friends told me I HAVE TO drink milk...  :-X

Thanks for the article!


I don't actually find this all that gross. The article's squick-factor is all about the bacteria in cheese, rather than the fact that it's dairy...


So some people on my facebook are all like mmmmmmmmmmmm bacteria! people get so defensive and offensive when the truth comes out about their food sources. feel free to chime in on my behalf! :)


Oh God! Everytime I hear someone say they eat cheese for calcium I want to bash their head in with a cheese wheel!!

haha.  awesome.  :-D


That's a great article Atankcalledokay! Finally peole are putting the real truth about dairy instead of praising its so called great "calcium" levels.

Oh God! Everytime I hear someone say they eat cheese for calcium I want to bash their head in with a cheese wheel!! I hate that the myth that dairy is a good calcium provider is still believed and propigated by the health industry!

Dairy is one of the WORST things you can possibly put into your bodies--not only that, but dairy cows are some of the most horrifically treated animals of all CFOS :( makes me so sad!!!

Thanks for the link Tank!!

While I agree that cheese is gross and dairy is generally unhealthy, I don't think that it's a myth that dairy is a good source of calcium.  It is.  It's just not the ONLY source of calcium, which is what the dairy industry wants people to believe (i.e. you have to drink milk to have strong bones).  Just like meat is a good source of iron, but it's not the ONLY source of it.  And not the most healthy source considering the fat and cholesterol levels. 


While I agree that cheese is gross and dairy is generally unhealthy, I don't think that it's a myth that dairy is a good source of calcium.  It is.  It's just not the ONLY source of calcium, which is what the dairy industry wants people to believe (i.e. you have to drink milk to have strong bones).  Just like meat is a good source of iron, but it's not the ONLY source of it.  And not the most healthy source considering the fat and cholesterol levels. 

True. And the sad thing is that a lot of people who believe these things are good for them eat far too much of them, which negates the good effects they might have provided in moderation... since doesn't an excess of animal products force your body into such an acidic state that it leaches calcium from its own bones? ::)


FTR: I, YG, have been totally cheeseless for almost 3 months. DH and I used to get through a kilo of cheese a week. (That's 2.25 lbs, for two people). There is such a thing as too much. I never thought I could give it up till I did.


FTR: I, YG, have been totally cheeseless for almost 3 months. DH and I used to get through a kilo of cheese a week. (That's 2.25 lbs, for two people). There is such a thing as too much. I never thought I could give it up till I did.

Go YABBIT! Do you feel any different?


What I have noticed, L2A, is something I never would have believed before. I still drink milk and eat yogurt but when I have eaten your actual cream, nothing moves. For like 3 days. (I know, this belongs on the TMI thread, really). I had heard on VW that milkfat "plugs" things up but didn't believe it. Now I do.

And...strangely enough...I don't really miss the cheese anymore. Miracles happen.

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