Fancy Restaurant Serves Cheese of Human Breast Milk
Posted by andini on Mar 23, 2010 · Member since Aug 2009 · 49 posts
According to the New York Post on March 9, an upscale restaurant has offered cheese made from his wife's breast milk.
This, it seems, would qualify as vegan cheese, would it not? The woman clearly consented to give her milk for this purpose. So is it vegan? Would you eat it?
This Chelsea restaurant has gone from brasserie to brassiere.
Chef Daniel Angerer is letting diners at Klee Brasserie munch on cheese made from his wife's breast milk.
"It tastes like cow's-milk cheese, kind of sweet," he told The Post.Read more:
Oh I just noticed that the article notes that cow's milk has to be added to aid the curdling process, so definitely not vegan. Well it's an interesting article although news of human milk products isn't new. The poll reflects an animal-free product.
I heard about this on the radio....but no, I would not like to eat breast milk cheese.
If you don't believe that humans are animals, then it's not a problem. However if you agree that humans are primates, then it wouldn't be vegan, by definition.
PS: Sounds like a particularly psychotic episode of Friends. (Pun intended)
We were talking about this at lunch break the other day. A prof told me about it, and I think I was supposed to go "Eww, gross" or something. I just said that it about as gross as eating cow milk. We then had a very detailed discussion as to which animal would have more pollutants in their bodies. It would depend on whether the human was vegan or not, whether the cow was "organic" (still a bunch of bs), and how old the human was (which would tell us how many fat-soluble pollutants had built up in adipose tissue). It was a really interesting conversation, and I'm hoping it made the vegetarian in the room take note (he LOVES cheese like mad).
I know in some places in the world it is common for adults to eat foods made with breast milk. I know they do in some parts of Brazil, albeit some of the poorest parts. I don't see how people can think of this as gross but then think drinking cows milk is fine. I probably wouldn't eat it though, because humans weren't made to consume milk after infancy.
If you don't believe that humans are animals, then it's not a problem. However if you agree that humans are primates, then it wouldn't be vegan, by definition.
PS: Sounds like a particularly psychotic episode of Friends. (Pun intended)
We've discussed this before. I still think of my babies as vegan, even though they drink my breast milk. It is from their own species, and given willingly, and does not cause suffering. As as wise HH once said, NOT breastfeeding causes suffering.
Now in the case of this human adult bm cheese, I have to think about the veganness of that. not sure! but i don't think i'd eat it-not knowing the source or what her diet is like. i might possibly eat some made from my own milk though. but i really don't like cheese enough to waste time trying to make it!
Yes, L2A, I was thinking that we've discussed this before, too. Except last time it was breast milk ice cream. I don't know if it's vegan, but I also wouldn't eat it because it's from someone else. If it was possible to make it completely from breast milk, I'd totally try some cheese made from my own milk.
at the moment, I think the restaurant bm cheese would not be vegan, since it is not for the offspring of the gal giving milk.
really, just semantics, once again.
When this story first came out, I was like, 'what's the big deal? why is that grosser than cow's milk, exactly?' I think the aberration is that people DON'T see cow's milk as gross for adult humans to consume; not that someone made milk products using human milk... I mean, shouldn't that be LESS gross, if you like cheese? At least that's same-species milk... so by any reasonable analysis, it should be LESS weird, not more! Of course, both are inappropriate foods for adult mammals... but it's funny (funny-odd, not funny-haha) how many omnis go 'oooh, gross!' at human-milk cheese but 'yum!' to cow's milk cheese. Humans are weird.
If you don't believe that humans are animals, then it's not a problem. However if you agree that humans are primates, then it wouldn't be vegan, by definition.
PS: Sounds like a particularly psychotic episode of Friends. (Pun intended)
We've discussed this before. I still think of my babies as vegan, even though they drink my breast milk. It is from their own species, and given willingly, and does not cause suffering. As as wise HH once said, NOT breastfeeding causes suffering.
Now in the case of this human adult bm cheese, I have to think about the veganness of that. not sure! but i don't think i'd eat it-not knowing the source or what her diet is like. i might possibly eat some made from my own milk though. but i really don't like cheese enough to waste time trying to make it!
Thank you for the mental image, L2A, of yourself making cheese from your own freshly squeezed....well you get the idea. Gives a whole new meaning to "cheesecloth"--now doesn't it! ;D
When I was nursing my son I was a cow and had tons of milk. I actually considered making cheese from my own milk! Honestly. I looked it up. Problem was it took a TON of milk to do so because you have to skim the cream off the top, and there isn't a whole lot of cream.
I didn't feel like taking the time to pump that much milk, way too much work.
No, I would not eat cheese made from somebody elses breast milk. Yuk.
Yeah, I think that's why the Chelsea people added cow milk to the human--there's not all that much cream in human milk and it probably acts differently than cow cream does. Just like here, to make sheep's milk cheese they often add cow to it to help the process along.