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Chicken without the Eggs-Time Magazine

This article is about a company in Missouri that has replicated the taste and texture of chicken-vegan style. The description of meat is really disgusting (meat marinates in blood for many years!). Maybe enough to turn some carnies off!

The product doesn't sound super healthy because of all the processing, but I am sure it's no worse than Boca or Morningstart products.,9171,1993883,00.html#ixzz0q5muVBRj

wow, that REALLY looks like chicken. It doesn't seem like it's very heavily processed, but maybe i'm missing something.


interesting....although the thought of something having the exact texture of meat is repulsive to me, but I'm sure a lot of other people would be into it....


anyone ever seen the show future food?  those guys seems to be able to do anything with food as far as replication of meat products.  i was amazed at the methods they used to make a veggie burger even look like raw beef before they cooked it.


I love that show!  Amazing the things they can do. The first one I ever saw was the edible packing peanuts one; I've always wondered why someone didn't do that!  I'd love to go to their restaurant some day.

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