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BVA Launch and World Vegan Day party!

The brand new Boston Vegan Association (BVA) is having it's official launch and World Vegan Day party on November 3. Here's their website:

BVA was at the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival and it sounds like a really cool, happening, active group. I'm really thinking about joining up and getting involved! I love their motto too: Ahimsa in Action  :) :) :) :)

We've got some serious veg*n mojo going on in Boston right now!


BVA Launch Party 
Saturday, November 03 2007, 5:00 - 10:00 pm

Come celebrate the launch of the Boston Vegan Association! Meet our members and other vegans in the community, learn what we're about, and support us with your donation, membership and/or by participating in our raffle. You could win a cool VEGAN bracelet from Snooty Jewelry!


Evan Greer
Yes But Slowly


Including delicious vegan desserts from Herrell's Allston Cafe and well as pizza by the slice from TJ Scallywaggle's Vegan House of Pizza & Subs.

No fee for entry.

557 Cambridge St.
Allston, MA 02134
(at Gordon St., behind the International Community Church, entrance is on Gordon)

WHY: Duh! Doesn't the arrival of a vegan association in Boston make you want to celebrate and bring your friends out for some fun and vegan food?

HOW: Either take the #57 bus out of Kenmore Station and get off at Gordon Street or take the B, green line, to the Warren Street stop. The back of the train will be facing Gordon Street - walk 5 minutes straight to the ICC, on the corner of Gordon and Cambridge Streets.

You can also drive into Boston on the Massachusetts Turnpike, take exit 18, follow the signs to Allston/Brighton and take Cambridge Street into Allston Village. About 1.2 miles down Cambridge Street, you will see the ICC at Gordon St., on the corner to the right just before you reach the light. There's a reasonable amount of street parking on Gordon and Cambridge.

Thanks for posting Celt, looks like fun!  I'll definitely go for a while on 11/03.  Hope to see some vegwebbers there.
For any Boston runners out there, BVA is also doing a run that same morning at 10 AM starting from the Harvard Square T station.  I think they do around 3 miles and they're mostly beginners so they go slow.  I plan on joining them.


For any Boston runners out there, BVA is also doing a run that same morning at 10 AM starting from the Harvard Square T station.  I think they do around 3 miles and they're mostly beginners so they go slow.  I plan on joining them.

Sooo...they call themselves "beginners" but how would a complete newbie fare, do you think? I've been trying to find a way to up my activity level without shelling out $$$ for a gym membership.....


For any Boston runners out there, BVA is also doing a run that same morning at 10 AM starting from the Harvard Square T station.  I think they do around 3 miles and they're mostly beginners so they go slow.  I plan on joining them.

Sooo...they call themselves "beginners" but how would a complete newbie fare, do you think? I've been trying to find a way to up my activity level without shelling out $$$ for a gym membership.....

You can do it!  Remember the little engine that could.
In their forums they actually say they usually stop and walk a couple times during the 3 mile run because many of them are new to running.  If you want to try running I think it's a good way to do it.  I'll be there and will run as fast or slow as you want


I am jealous of all the veg*an-ness in Boston.  ;) So many opportunities, so little time. 8)


Really? They stop and walk? That's MY kind of running group  ;D ;D

celtKat and jw502 - I'll be at a conference in Boston an unable to launch :(  Although I have signed up for a couple of Maynard's meetups.


JW502, Okaayyy....I'll try the running thing.  :)

Dink, sorry you can't come to the launch! I'll eat an extra slice of TJ's vegan pizza in your honor.  8) And no guilt because I'll have run/walked/hobbled 3 miles that morning  ;D ;D

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