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Beef Recall

Apparently there has been a beef recall of 5.3 million pounds. How many lives is that?  :'(

The whole industry pisses me off, but these recalls... E. coli contamination... The article said "The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service said in a statement Thursday that these products may have been produced “under insanitary conditions.” YA THINK?! Why don't they say what they mean. There's crap in the meat. There.

Here's the article if anyone is interested. It's beyond horrors that people mistreat, torture and kill other creatures for "food", but knowing the risks (how many recall stories have there been in the last 5 years?!) and then whining about how people are getting sick... This makes my head want to explode.

Augh, seriously, meat industry? We know you guys suck already, but if you're going to be huge, disrespectful assholes, couldn't you be sanitary huge, disrespectful assholes? It's not hard to prevent E. coli. Everyone at these facilities really needs a ServSafe class - though I doubt they really care about who they're making sick. They probably wouldn't have even done the recall if the USDA didn't force them to. I mean, if they don't care about  an animal's life, why should they care about a human's?

(granted, this is making assumptions, etc., but I'm very upset by this whole thing. Also, sorry if that made little to no sense. It's late here and I'm sleepy.)


Apparently there has been a beef recall of 5.3 million pounds. How many lives is that?  :'(

That was my first thought, too. :'(


And this is just one of many meat recalls.  I wonder if there is an animal organization out there keeping a running tally of just how many animals have been tortured & murdered only to be recalled & thrown in the trash.  It's so disgraceful.  >:(  And why aren't meat-eaters boycotting meat yet?  I know they are not concerned about the welfare of the animals.  But you think they'd care about dying from tainted meat.  You'd think they'd be saying ok - not eating meat till the industry cleans up its act. 


When I first heard about this meat recall my first thought was good.

Maybe it will create a shortage of meat, which in turn would drive up the cost of it.  If meat suddenly became really expensive, I bet a LOT more people would be turning to a vegetarian diet.

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