Atlanta has IDIOT police officers as well!!!!
So much for all the training they give to K-9 handlers. Just like the other idiot from AZ, a police officer in Atlanta has done the same thing....killed his K9 partner by leaving him in a hot car!!! The very partner that I'm sure would have taken a bullet for him if he needed to. Sorry but these guys need to sit in a steaming hot jail cell for quite some time thinking about how they fucked up. Funny with all the dogs I have....I never FORGET when one is sitting in my matter how tired or busy I am. >:( :'(
Sorry but this sort of thing really pisses me off....of all people...those hired and paid to "protect and serve".....maybe they need to "raise the bar" on their standards as well as the testing when it comes to hiring police officers..... >:(
oh...and check out some of the comments by the "nice" people of Atlanta..... (some care....some just make my head spin)....
I am sorry, I don't get it. HOW ON EARTH can one just "forget" about a dog in a car???? Would these idiots also forget if it were their child in the hot car? This sort of memory loss is beyond me.
You'd think, if for no other reason than the fact it takes are great deal of money to train and maintain a police dog, they would have training in the care of the dog and frequent recertifications. I know mom has her helper dog. They would recertify frequently at first and less over time. Granted, the dog has not been recertified in years now. She is not in very good health and has trouble walking any distance. Mom won't recert because the dog can't make it through and she is afraid they will destroy the dog. She wants the dog, whom she loves way more than she loves me, to retire and not work. Mind you, the dog never really worked at all, unless you call being a constant and attentive companion a dog's work.
I can only imagine that at the base of the problem are officers who don't actually bond to their canine partners and are obviously too ignorant to remember to care for them. Bonding with animals and children is necessary for their survival so that others care for them. Then again, I am not so sure you can bond with these folking eegits in the first place.
Makes me SICK.
what the hell?!!!!??? this infuriates it common practice or something? Are police taught to leave their dogs in the car, like to "store" them??
The other day i went to the animal control/shelter to get some tags for those two abandoned dogs I got a while back and a lady came in. She was very angry and she was being followed by an animal control officer. The lady was saying that there was a dog out in someones car...PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!!!!! and the animal control officer was like..."yeah...we'll see... " and going about her business like there wasn't a dog being cooked in the 105 degree weather outside of the animal shelter...the lady kept going on and on...(as I feel she should have) that there was some person wondering around looking for either their lost dog or a new dogbut that they were leaving their other dog in the heat like that....When there was still no response from the staff I stood up and said "Which car? Lets go find a rock...." and then they finally made an announcement..."will the person who left the chow in their car please go to the parking lot...."
i swear theres no way I can be the same species as some of these people
I just don't think these are accidents. I mean, I can believe that there are bad pet owners out there who are not educated or just don't care, and this stuff happens to them.
But, a police officer who works with a dog is taught to work and care for that dog. I am certain one of the most obvious lessons is "don't leave your dog in a hot car." Training police dogs doesn't come cheap, I can't imagine that just any officer gets a dog.
"I forgot" is a lame excuse, doesn't even qualify as an excuse. >:(
I am disgusted by this story and the other poor police dog. There is no excuse for this. Police are the ones we are supposed to call if we see a dog in distress locked in a car.
May both beautiful dogs rest in peace.
This just makes me is beyond depressing for me to think what the final moments of life must of been like for these poor dogs.
I say, let the punishment fit the crime. Leave these "police officers" (and I use the term loosely because I am baffled any cop could be this ignorant) in cars, windows up, no water on a scorching hot day. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
May this 2 dogs rest in peace. :'(