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Hi, my name is Carol and also from Michigan.  I have never been a huge fan of meat or I'm trying this.  The problem I'm running into is I am hypothyroid and not supposed to be eating a lot of soy products....any suggestions?

I'm in the same boat. I find that you have to get protien from other sources such as beans that aren't soy. I eat a lot of lentils, favas, garbanzos etc. Of course I'm not a vegan, so dairy isn't a problem.


Beans, nuts, seeds, seitan. I now there are others on here who are vegan and hypothyroid. You should get a lot of answers and support. Good Luck!


Hemp protein, in the form of hulled hemp seed and hemp protein powder, has been a real plus for me.


i have hypothyroidism and was eating soy and tofu products like crazy, not knowing that it may be affecting me. once i found out, i cut out a lot of it. every so often i'll have some soy, but i try for no more than a serving per week. it's been tough, but not as hard as a i thought. i've been eating a lot more veggies and fruits, whole wheat pasta, and beeeeeans. i drink rice milk and use nutritional yeast or rice cheese for a cheese fix. the hardest part for me is eating out. even at vegetarian/vegan places, they use so much soy for meat and dairy analogues. in the end, i'm trying just to choose REAL foods to fill my diet and it's working pretty well. best part, i have been feeling SO great and full of energy since cutting out dairy and all of the soy. it's worth the extra effort at the grocery store and time in the kitchen.


I don't eat soy and I'm fine.  There's nothing magic about it, soy is just a bean.  Eat different beans.  If your concern is protein, not getting enough protein is omni hype.  It's easy to get enough protein.

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