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Right Wing Vegan?

Yeah, go figure...anyway, a good buddy of mine recommended this site after I told him that I really needed to change my eating habits...lifetime of fast food, about to turn 44, and I'm sure that the Haitian sewer system has cleaner pipes that I do (I'd like to buy a bowel please?).  Although the idea of throwing my future colostomy bag at people who piss me off sounds pretty cool, I'd rather just throw a salad together instead. 

I believe animals are here for the benefit of man, but at the same time, should not be abused (ex. Tyson employees throwing chickens at a wall...the same should happen to them!).  And even though I like PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals), somethings gotta give...I just can't process all the fat anymore without getting the high-pitched sulfur burps (yuk!)

So here I am, a "Make Love AFTER War" sign in one hand, and a glass of soy milk in the other...again go figure.

Cygnus: I want to point out that chicken is just as high in saturated fat and cholesterol as pork and beef. I don't know how chicken got this rap as a health food, but it's certainly not. Especially after they pump the chickens full of hormones and antibiotics.

Also, fish is more unhealthy than your drinking water, because drinking water is currently monitored (although not enough, and not strict enough). Also, you can buy RO water (we just take it from our labs), or filter your own water. And the higher up you eat on the food chain, such as tuna (a predator), then the higher the levels of mercury are going to be, because pollutant accumulate from the bottom up. That's why many people think it's healthier (vegans!) to eat lower on the food chain, where even if there are pollutants (and there often are--eat organic!), then they haven't accumulated in the adipose tissue of the organisms eating them, then the carnivores eating the herbivores, etc. You get the picture.

You're on the right track though!


I agree with veganrun... i really hope u will take the time to watch Eating (3rd Edition) you can buy it off amazon for less than $10 with shipping here is the link: Eating... animal products contain cholesterol and your body already produces all the cholesterol it needs... cholesterol clogs your arteries... u know u need to change your diet your body is fighting back... it's not too late... load up on beans, fruits and veggies, grains... i mean the possibilities are endless so try not to get hung up on what you can't eat... look at all the stuff you can :) good luck <3


...chicken is just as high in saturated fat and cholesterol as pork and beef.

Holy Macker...dang, fish reference...Holy Tofu! I just did a quick google on this and I think yer right.

...the higher up you eat on the food chain, such as tuna (a predator), then the higher the levels of mercury are going to be, because pollutant accumulate from the bottom up.

Well, that makes sense.

... load up on beans...

Oh yeah, my wife's gonna LUV that advice.  :lol:


well beans don't make me toot so i guess i am lucky in that way lol


well beans don't make me toot so i guess i am lucky in that way lol

I don't know why I didn't do this before.  Soaking the beans before cook and then cooking with a strip of kombu really helps. 

Soaked Beans + Kombu = Quiet Bowels 


Yay for vegan diversity! I'm not a hippe here, just standard centrist. However the majority of my friends are super hippies, and the one that distinguishes me from them is... METAL! \m/ So if I need a hippie repellent, just throw on some good ole Testament or some other nice thrash, death or groove metal.


welcome!  you seem like the perfect candidate to give this book/diet a try:

healthy & hearty meals that satisfied a slew of texan firemen, and helped them lose weight and lower their cholesterol to boot!


Yay for vegan diversity! I'm not a hippe here, just standard centrist. However the majority of my friends are super hippies, and the one that distinguishes me from them is... METAL! \m/ So if I need a hippie repellent, just throw on some good ole Testament or some other nice thrash, death or groove metal.

Yeah, sometime's I'm my own diverse universe when it comes to progressive/math metal, delta blues, bluegrass, new age guitar, and of course, acid polka!


welcome!  you seem like the perfect candidate to give this book/diet a try:

Thanks...Amazon shows a 75% five-star rating, so's me thinks we'll check it out.  ;)b



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