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newbie Questions

I have a couple of new-to-vegan questions:
1. I have a package of westsoy  five grain tempe that has been buried in the fridge. I just found it. it is unopened, but the date on the package is May 10 2010... Is it still safe to use?

2 What is the shelf life of Dalya cheese? How long will it last in a fridge? 


Not sure about the first question.

Daiya:  If it's not open, I'd look for a date on the package.  If it is open, I'd say 10 days or so.  If you're not going to use it all at once, you can also freeze it.


It has been open, but in the fridge for about 2 months. I love the stuff, but have been busy, and no chance to cook with it.

I hate to toss it


1.) I'm almost positive that your tempeh will be fine. It's not too far after the date but try to use it up soon.

2.) I think if it's kind of old you can still cook with it because if there's anything in/on it the heat will kill it.

But I'm a risk taker when it comes to experation dates. :)


I dont eat soy so i cant help you with tempeh but I hjave heard daiya molds EXTREMELY quick so I keep mine in the freezer and just break of a bit at a time and stab it so the shreds fall apart. Iimagine it would be uber moldy after 2 months.


I'm not sure about the tempeh but I know that Daiya spoils kinda fast. I'd say less than 10 days in a fridge but a lot longer in a freezer. A good way to check is to break open one of the larger clumps and see if there's a greenish blue mold inside... if there isn't, I'd say you're good!

Also, welcome!!


Eat the tempeh...steam it for about 10 minutes first and then cook normally.

Toss the cheese.

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