so what's up with the religious right??? do they really think obama is a commie?
Posted by longer_look on Mar 16, 2010 · Member since Feb 2010 · 369 posts
because i think that if christians really practiced what they preach... they would want to give to the poor.
I vote republican, and I think that wacky left-wing radicals are just as obnoxious/ludicrous than the conservative Christians. Radical one way or another is still radical. Sorry, but some of the posters on this board fit into the extreme leftism I speak of.
I agree with you (well, not the voting republican part! ;)). Sometimes I think half of this polarization is for the SAKE of polarization. Somewhere along the line one group got crazy radical, then the other side though "Oh hell, we're not opposing them vehemently enough!" and went super way to one side, too.
But what is going on with the US right now that people feel the need to pull so far to one side or the other? That's what's been bothering me lately.
Also, I must say that I feel that 2 (major) parties to represent the ideas of millions of people is a bad idea. I think there should be more parties that compete (and don't "throw away a vote") on a national level. Then we wouldn't have to group teabaggers with republicans, for instance. I wish there were more options that further divided the key issues. I think more people would feel represented that way.
One thing to remember is that Hispanics are statistically known to vote Democrat and they are most often Catholic. The area of Texas where we are looking to move is 65% Hispanic, so it's one of the only major Texas cities with a Democratic mayor. Yay! My father has always been a diehard liberal when it comes to politics, but he's also a very faithful Catholic. My Mom voted for Obama, the first time in a couple elections that she didn't vote Republican and I was so proud!
I am sorry, but this post made me sad. It goes to show you that people voted for Obama not because he was the best man for the job but because he was democrat.
I didn't like Obama during the campaign, and I don't like him now. The best president we have had in the last 30 years in my opinion was actually Bill Clinton, but Obama is taking an already weak economy and crushing it into cracker dust. His health care reform was a bad idea from the beginning, and a bad idea now, unless we get someone in there in the next election to stop it from comming to light, then this country is going to have some serious problems.
Just sayin...
I liked Clinton, too. However, I don't blame Obama for the current problems. The original healthcare bill had much more in it that would have helped the country. Unfortunately, it was dismantled inorder for it to pass through the Senate.
Its our congress that is more of the culprit. All they do is bicker and stall. Everything is along party lines. Even if a senator or congressman wants to vote a certain way or work with another party on a bill, they are quickly put back in place with threats of removal.
Our media does not help much either. They consistently play on peoples fear to sell stories. Only telling partial truths or biased opinions. No wonder why the general population has no idea who to vote for or what to support. There is no honest, thoughtful discussions anymore. If a voter wants to educate themselves, they have to really search to educate themselves.
One thing to remember is that Hispanics are statistically known to vote Democrat and they are most often Catholic. The area of Texas where we are looking to move is 65% Hispanic, so it's one of the only major Texas cities with a Democratic mayor. Yay! My father has always been a diehard liberal when it comes to politics, but he's also a very faithful Catholic. My Mom voted for Obama, the first time in a couple elections that she didn't vote Republican and I was so proud!
I am sorry, but this post made me sad. It goes to show you that people voted for Obama not because he was the best man for the job but because he was democrat.
I didn't like Obama during the campaign, and I don't like him now. The best president we have had in the last 30 years in my opinion was actually Bill Clinton, but Obama is taking an already weak economy and crushing it into cracker dust. His health care reform was a bad idea from the beginning, and a bad idea now, unless we get someone in there in the next election to stop it from comming to light, then this country is going to have some serious problems.
Just sayin...
I respect your opinion, but a couple corrections... 'people' voted for Obama for many reasons; many folks such as myself (believe it or not) DO like him as a leader, not just 'because he's a Democrat.' I thought he was IMMINENTLY better suited to the presidency than the alternative (McCain & that Tina Faye impersonator) (heh, just kidding, no offense!) The truth is that in a 2-party di-opoly (new word? perhaps!), as VR rightly points out, we don't necessarily get to vote for 'the best man (or woman!) for the job,' but only 'the best of THESE TWO particular candidates.' I certainly don't agree with every single thing Obama's ever done; but I am absolutely convinced he was a better bet than the only alternative in that election, and MUCH better for the country (and the rest of the world!) than the administration that came before.
Secondly: as a health care provider, a long-time single mom working 2 jobs without health insurance (while I was in school), and the daughter of a mom uninsured since her divorce 15 years ago/ too young to be covered by Medicare... let me tell ya: our health care system, as it's been so far, is an embarrassment! It's absurd that EVERY other industrialized nation does a better job than the US of providing basic medical care for its people. I think it's about d*** time someone tried to make it better; that's one thing Obama ran on/ we voted him in 'cause we liked the idea/ now he's trying to do what he said, despite NOTHING but blanket opposition from the 'No' party... For those who don't like the current reforms: bring somethin' better, and we'll talk -- and I mean better for consumers, NOT BigIns/ BigPharm.
Finally: any thoughts on WHY Obama inherited such a disastrous economy? (Hint: what's bigger than a houseplant, but smaller than a tree, and is a synonym for 'shrub'?) I think he's done surprisingly well with it, all things considered, considering the shape the damn thing was in when he got it! It was cracker dust ALREADY!... now, it's more like... matzo balls. Or something.
Anyhow -- no one's liked by everyone; and no one is liked ALL the time by ANYONE... but all things considered, unless something major happens to change my mind, I'll vote for him again in 2012 -- and not just because he's a Democrat, either.
But none of that addresses the OP's question: why is the Christian right so eager to throw around 'SOCIALIST!' 'HITLER!' 'NAZI!' in such rabidly frenzied tones? I have a theory; it involves a dangerous sort of religious zealotry, in a particularly unattractive combination with bad-loser-ship, and has nothing to do with anything Obama has or hasn't done: he is, quite simply, NOT THEM.
So: "Commie!!!!!" (who needs ideas?!)
So... just to clarify... am I a wacky left-wing radical if I DON'T think Obama's a commie? ;)
100% YES
I think that SO many American voters, from both sides, have forgotten how to talk about *ideas*... we can see things very differently, and neither of us be crazy... the position 'if you disagree with me, you're a crazy radical!'' is neither original nor particularly compelling -- but surfaces CONSTANTLY in modern political 'debate.' Unhelpful! (Prob'ly not what you were saying, SB -- hopefully! -- your comment just made me think of this point, based on personal experience/ political threads on other sites...
Agree with this post completely. I'm pretty middle-of-the-road politically (I mean, I'm a gay vegan republican for fuck's sake), but I swing more to the right when it comes to fiscal issues. Socially, I'm torn... but I'm open to new ideas. I didn't vote for Obama, but I want to believe in what he stands for. I will gladly vote for him if I see some of this "change" he keeps talking about. I think he has a lot of the right ideas! I love his spirit and I think the white house was in dire need of someone like him in office, even if I don't agree with his politics 100%. He hasn't won me over yet, but I'm not a naysayer.
Although, I did see a HILARIOUS bumper sticker the other day that said: "I WILL TREAT YOUR PRESIDENT WITH THE SAME RESPECT YOU TREATED MINE".
It's just funny to see the shoe on the other foot and liberals being upset that conservatives are attacking their leader.
ftr, I didn't vote for Bush either time. Just wanted to go on record with that one, y'all. I'm not THAT stupid
Although, I did see a HILARIOUS bumper sticker the other day that said: "I WILL TREAT YOUR PRESIDENT WITH THE SAME RESPECT YOU TREATED MINE".
It's just funny to see the shoe on the other foot and liberals being upset that conservatives are attacking their leader.
It is interesting, because Mr. Bush was really treated badly by liberals.
What is also funny to see was how conservatives stuck their noses up in the air and complained about the wacko liberals and claimed they have never acted like that. Wacko liberals have always misbehaved, that's a given, but now conservatives have shown their true colors as well, and it's ugly.
Guess we're all just shiny ugly people in America these days in how we protest. LOL
I am getting a little weary of conservatives spitting out the word "socialist" like it's an insult when speaking about Mr. Obama when he doesn't even come close. Then there's the comparison's to Hitler.
I am getting a little weary of conservatives spitting out the word "socialist" like it's an insult when speaking about Mr. Obama when he doesn't even come close. Then there's the comparison's to Hitler.
This. This is my worst pet peeve at the moment. Some people will say "socialist," then spew "fascist" in the next breath, then "communist". Have any of these people taken a social studies class? They mix up their political and financial systems, and basically any --ist or --ism is cool. I don't get it at all. If they want to call names and criticize the president, I am all for it. I just wish they'd do the homework of a 4th grader to figure out how to intelligently bitch.
And I refuse to dignify the Hitler accusations. Adolph Hitler led the biggest mass murder spree of the modern world--how does this compare to trying to insure 32 million people? It's insensitive and wrong to spew out such ignorance, especially when there are still holocaust survivors alive. It's hateful bullshit.
So... just to clarify... am I a wacky left-wing radical if I DON'T think Obama's a commie? ;)
100% YES
hehe... cool. Good to know -- thanks! ;D
Interesting comments, everyone... Seems to be a general consensus here that dissension/ criticism should be about ideas/ policies, and not about name-calling (and that any name-calling should at least be a bit less ignorant, for f***'s sake!); wish that consensus would take over the wider society!
I thought Bush was the worst president ever; but I never called him Hitler, and I don't recall anyone showing up wearing sidearms at his speaking events, and I never saw anyone shout invectives (you lie!!!) while *OUR PRESIDENT* was speaking in formal capacity... my inlaws, who (when I said, we can't afford an oil war/ Saddam had nothing to do with 911/ the Patriot Act is disturbing/ etc -- all POLICY criticisms, mind, NOT 'Hitler! Fascist! Moron!' whatever rabid thing I could think of to say, a la Teabagger-style protest) constantly told me I was unpatriotic if I didn't support our President simply because he WAS our President... And now, they're crazed and screaming (3rd grade/ ignorant) insults at the TV/ on their FB pages, in spittle-flying rage, with NO respect for the office or for a fairly/ legally elected leader... I think it's both thinly veiled racism, and absolute hypocrisy. Bush was NOT treated so rudely by 'the other side', during his first year of office, imo. I can only hope this kind of behavior doesn't become the accepted norm... to borrow Tweety's phrasing, I think it's more ugly than shiny.
I am getting a little weary of conservatives spitting out the word "socialist" like it's an insult when speaking about Mr. Obama when he doesn't even come close. Then there's the comparison's to Hitler.
This. This is my worst pet peeve at the moment. Some people will say "socialist," then spew "fascist" in the next breath, then "communist". Have any of these people taken a social studies class? They mix up their political and financial systems, and basically any --ist or --ism is cool. I don't get it at all. If they want to call names and criticize the president, I am all for it. I just wish they'd do the homework of a 4th grader to figure out how to intelligently bitch.
And I refuse to dignify the Hitler accusations. Adolph Hitler led the biggest mass murder spree of the modern world--how does this compare to trying to insure 32 million people? It's insensitive and wrong to spew out such ignorance, especially when there are still holocaust survivors alive. It's hateful bullshit.
So agree. I have my degree in geography and took several sociology, history, anthropology and economic courses. Most people have no idea what is fascism, communism and socialism (yes, there is a difference between socialism and communism). They also don't understand basic economics. Nor, do they know the differences between the various theories and economic schools of thought.
It also really inferiates me when they compare any person to Hitler and Nazism. That is horrible and beyond insensitive.
Unfortunately, peopls eat this stuff up with a spoon. How many people listen to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh and actually believe the things they say?
I am getting a little weary of conservatives spitting out the word "socialist" like it's an insult when speaking about Mr. Obama when he doesn't even come close. Then there's the comparison's to Hitler.
This. This is my worst pet peeve at the moment. Some people will say "socialist," then spew "fascist" in the next breath, then "communist". Have any of these people taken a social studies class? They mix up their political and financial systems, and basically any --ist or --ism is cool. I don't get it at all. If they want to call names and criticize the president, I am all for it. I just wish they'd do the homework of a 4th grader to figure out how to intelligently bitch.
And I refuse to dignify the Hitler accusations. Adolph Hitler led the biggest mass murder spree of the modern world--how does this compare to trying to insure 32 million people? It's insensitive and wrong to spew out such ignorance, especially when there are still holocaust survivors alive. It's hateful bullshit.
So agree. I have my degree in geography and took several sociology, history, anthropology and economic courses. Most people have no idea what is fascism, communism and socialism (yes, there is a difference between socialism and communism). They also don't understand basic economics. Nor, do they know the differences between the various theories and economic schools of thought.
It also really inferiates me when they compare any person to Hitler and Nazism. That is horrible and beyond insensitive.
Unfortunately, peopls eat this stuff up with a spoon. How many people listen to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh and actually believe the things they say?
Every time I see a clip of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh I ask myself whether anyone actually believes this stuff. Then I unfortunately remember that people do. Sometimes I think Beck is actually a performance artist, and this is some sort of medium where he tries to see what kind of crazies he can whip out and people will believe. It's unreal.
Does Beck even understand what kind of problems he is causing? Does he care? People do believe the crap he says and react to it.
Honestly, I don't think that Beck, Limbaugh and Palin believe half of the things they say. How could they?
When Palin went around saying that the 5 year plan in the original healthcare bill would requirie people to have assisted suicide? I thought really? That goes against the both the consitution and the Geneva Convention on Human Rights. Despite that no politician or any non-psychopathic person would ever consider bringing that into law or consider it at all. Yet, there were some people that really believed that the congress would actually put something like this in a bill.
Everytime I hear one of them open their mouth with outrageous statements and then hear from other or see people on TV spouting the same things, I lose a little more faith in humanity. How can people be that easily led astray? Its scary and sad.
What happen to reason? Is this what the recession and the war did to the general population? Or is just another medis spin? (Rarely, see rational people talking about issues anymore. Its always someone off-cilter making comments.)
Every time I see a clip of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh I ask myself whether anyone actually believes this stuff. Then I unfortunately remember that people do. Sometimes I think Beck is actually a performance artist, and this is some sort of medium where he tries to see what kind of crazies he can whip out and people will believe. It's unreal.
The first few times I saw Glenn Beck, I thought he was like Steven Colbert (who, btw, I would consider postponing Essure/ tube-tying for, if he wanted to father a love-child... I'm sure my hubby would understand, right? anyway)... You know, overacting/ using hyperbole to point out how ridiculous these viewpoints are... um, right? RIGHT? Surely....?! (o shit, I thought eventually, I don't think he means that crap as a joke... how is that even POSSIBLE?!) :o
You know -- had you heard? -- he's channeling Jehovah these days... if you don't believe it, just ask him! Saw it last night on Colbert ( ;)b)... Yahweh is dictating his plan for America to Beck, who will then generously relay said plan so that the U.S. can be 'refounded.' Honest! He's unveiling 'The Plan' on the anniversary of MLK's 'I Have a Dream' speech, in exactly the same spot (cue the tears/ violins!)...
Imagine Dr. King's posthumous embarrassment. (Seriously... who could even MAKE this shit UP, if it were fiction? No publisher would touch it... too bizarre for belief!)
Every time I see a clip of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh I ask myself whether anyone actually believes this stuff. Then I unfortunately remember that people do. Sometimes I think Beck is actually a performance artist, and this is some sort of medium where he tries to see what kind of crazies he can whip out and people will believe. It's unreal.
After yesterday and his spiel about "his divine plan from god", I am beginning to wonder this myself. Nobody would take someone seriously who tries to commandeer the place and the day where the most important speech in equal rights history... right? :P
Bush was NOT treated so rudely by 'the other side', during his first year of office, imo.
I agree Bush was the worst president of probably the last 100 years.
I used to think the same thing that Bush was never treated as bad as Obama was/is. In some extent I agree that Obama is treated ever so slightly worse than Mr. Bush. A conservative friend challenged me to Google images "Bush protests" and it was ugly. He didn't look any better as Hitler than Obama does.
I remember Bush was hated so bad and the protests of the election he "stole" so ugly he couldn't take his traditional walk to the whitehouse for fear of his life and the heckling was deafening. They were burning him in effigy, on and on. This was the beginning of many ugly liberal protests throughout his 8 years.
Liberals are ugly people when they protest too. We need to own that. However, arrogant conservatives need to own it too.