recycled wool
Hi Guys,
I hope this is the right forum page for this....
Where do you all stand on the topic of wool? I, as a vegan, do not buy/wear wool but have been asked at uni (I study textiles) if I would consider using recycled wool from 2nd hand clothes etc, same with silk. I am of the opinion that I do NOT want to use them as wool is wool BUT as I am also anti-waste as much as is possible I can kinda see the point of using it as a long lasting, biodegradable option for certain things. Silk also.
I also worked at a knitting show recently where the had small producers with the yarns that they farm on sale. I was asking about their production methods and all of the ones I spoke to were anti-mulsing (spelling?) and anti mass farmng, however I still wouldn't be comfortable using their wools as A) I feel it is wrong full stop and B) it puts a question mark on the point of being vegan and C) I prefer not to buy new products as much as possible, prefering to use recycled/reclaimed fabrics and yarns. Which takes us back to the question again of whether to use recycled wool/silk or not.
Wat d you all think? gingerxx
*new vegan ignorance* can someone englighten me about specific objections vegans have to wool? (apart from the "it's from an animal" one). Just so that I can give a more educated opinion about this topic?
There is an excellent podcast that just came out about wool. It is Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's Vegetarian Food for Thought. (Scroll down to the one about the shearing of sheep.)
Wool is a terrible industry, and the cruelties involved in it are quite often overlooked. I tend to agree with reasons A, B, and C that you gave in your post, ginger. Not worth it.
*new vegan ignorance* can someone englighten me about specific objections vegans have to wool? (apart from the "it's from an animal" one). Just so that I can give a more educated opinion about this topic?
Hope that's helpful.
I don't have a problem with second-hand non-vegan things, etiher, but I never buy second hand leather just because leather grosses me out. And I don't wear wool because it makes me itchy. Secondhand silk I'd be OK with, but I don't dress "fancy" enough to buy silk garments.
I think recycling fabrics is great thing. By buying those things new you are helping support a horrible industry that stands against everything you stand for. By using vintage or second hand wool or silk you're preventing waste and creating something potentially great out of something bad. I think as long as you're sure that the way that you're getting the recycled materials isn't supporting the things you stand against it is a good thing. But then obviously, I feel like there should be several conditions. So I can't be entirely clear of my own ideas about this subject, because it is so tangled. :sheep:
Is there a reason this isn't on the debate board?
I would buy second hand wool and silk clothing, and have.
I think recycling fabrics is great thing. By buying those things new you are helping support a horrible industry that stands against everything you stand for. By using vintage or second hand wool or silk you're preventing waste and creating something potentially great out of something bad. I think as long as you're sure that the way that you're getting the recycled materials isn't supporting the things you stand against it is a good thing. But then obviously, I feel like there should be several conditions. So I can't be entirely clear of my own ideas about this subject, because it is so tangled. :sheep:
This is how I feel about the subject.
As a textiles student, it may be valuable to work with these fabrics, as long as they'll continue to be on the market...but you shouldn't have to buy new and contribute to the industries you don't support.
Plus, recycling fabrics, as stated above, is probably the best route to go.
yeah, this might be better suited for the debate board, though...
Thanks for the information on the subject.
As a believer in re-using and recycling I would use second hand wool without a problem.
Thanks Guys, I may post this on the debate board too and see what folks there have to say.
I really appreciate your opinions, I don't post often but I read a lot here and love vegweb
thanks again
i'm glad you brought this up. my mom bought me a really expensive cashmere/wool blend pea coat last winter, and i only wore it once
(it didn't fit). i really hate to let it just waste away in my closet! i am NOT a fan of wool, but, like the rest of you, i am also not a fan of waste. i was feeling like a huge hypocrite for being vegan but still wanting to wear, from what i can tell, it is one of those things you just have to decide for yourself? there isn't really a hard and fast rule for this one?
i used to do the second hand thing but have stopped. i still have old second-hand stuff that is non-vegan, but when it wears out it'll be outta here. i don't see an inherent problem with the second hand stuff, BUT one could also argue that someone (omni) who is specifically looking for, say, and pea coat or silk skirt may be more into thrifting or something but buy new if they can't find what they want at the thrift store, so someones money goes to the industry, anyway... :shrug:
that kind of thing is really personal opinion.