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Osama Bin Laden is dead, which means...

...what, exactly?

A bit of a re-post of my facebook status:

I don't see how killing one old terrorist leader guarantees peace and joy for the U.S., or any part of the world for that matter. Assholes exist in every part of the world, in every generation, and will make life hell for other people until the end of time...

My cynicism is telling me that this is just a big political move.
It might have been orchestrated by the Obama administration as an excuse to finally pull troops out of the Middle East and make the president look good, since a lot of people are hatin' on him more than usual these days... OR, it's just one more reason to keep the troops deployed. Naturally, there'll be some new figurehead(s) that We'll have to take out, right?

"Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will -- remain vigilant at home and abroad."

Don't get me wrong--I don't support al Quaeda or any terrorist actions. That's why I'm not a big fan of the idea of killing people to solve problems. So I guess my opinion on this matter is just that, well... what have We accomplished, really?


My thoughts are all over the place right now but I am not celebrating, I am not happy and I don't see this as a good thing and I don't think it will change anything. That's all I can really say right now because everything is just running through me right now.

And all of this celebrating is just....stupid? Gross? Both?

Was it worth all of that money, all of that time and all of that bloodshed for this one man?


i am surprised mother nature didn't get him first. I am curious/anxious/scared as to what 'we' are going to try to conquer next now that we just met out goal of the past 9 years... That being said this is reason #2 of why i am glad my tv isn't working, the first being the royal wedding all of you were complaining about.


I agree. What exactly does this mean? There'll always be groups that'll always be attempting to destroy the things they don't like. It's all about power and control. The evening news is, in fact, a big break but won't stop the movement Bin Laden started. This is far from over.


i am surprised mother nature didn't get him first. I am curious/anxious/scared as to what 'we' are going to try to conquer next now that we just met out goal of the past 9 years... That being said this is reason #2 of why i am glad my tv isn't working, the first being the royal wedding all of you were complaining about.

We're not finished. There are still radical terrorists out there and I'm sure someone will take his place (Anwar al-Awlaki?). Everything is so wrong about this. Our goal was much more than his death. And mother nature was kicking his ass, he's been fighting kidney (?) failure.


It saddens me that the general response to this has been "USA! USA!" or "WOOO AMERICAAAA!!!!" I figured that something like this would invoke more, uh, profound discussion of the situation.

I guess it just saddens me that we (as a whole) can't deal with this kind of crap without killing people, and then we can't respond to a successful kill without anything but jubilation.  :-\


i am surprised mother nature didn't get him first. I am curious/anxious/scared as to what 'we' are going to try to conquer next now that we just met out goal of the past 9 years... That being said this is reason #2 of why i am glad my tv isn't working, the first being the royal wedding all of you were complaining about.

We're not finished. There are still radical terrorists out there and I'm sure someone will take his place (Anwar al-Awlaki?). Everything is so wrong about this. Our goal was much more than his death. And mother nature was kicking his ass, he's been fighting kidney (?) failure.

yeah that is what i heard, kidney faliure, just suprised that mother nature didn't throw the final punch first.... and yes... we are far from done, not only replacement but now their revenge and so on and so on.... :/


It saddens me that the general response to this has been "USA! USA!" or "WOOO AMERICAAAA!!!!" I figured that something like this would invoke more, uh, profound discussion of the situation.

I guess it just saddens me that we (as a whole) can't deal with this kind of crap without killing people, and then we can't respond to a successful kill without anything but jubilation.  :-\

Yes, when I was reading the news on my phone, I read people outside the White House were singing "We Are The Champions". Really? What's next..."We Will Rock You"? I'd be happier if we stopped some of the terrorism in our own country with the policies that are trying to pass Congress.


Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker has concerned me more than Bin Laden ever did.


here's the simple truth:

a)if he is Jesus, he''ll rise from the dead in three days.

b) it increases the chances of another attack on the US.

c) it will definitely drive US inflation as troops are sent home to find there is no employment for them.

d) America Fuck Yeah, way to capture an elderly man on oxygen. WE will drive around cars wasting fossil fuels and littering paper products!

e) false sense of security globally and financially.

f) the war has cost us over 1 Trillion


The death of Osama is a huge symbolic victory. It allows the US to feel some sense of closure. That is how I explain the celebratory response.

A lot of my friends on Facebook are so caught up in the YAY GO US WE ARE SO AWESOME!!! that they can't see beyond it. Maybe it's the youth or the optimism, but they seem to think this means that everything is over and the world is going to be merry again. They think TSA pat-downs are over, and we're all safe now. I almost don't have the heart to tell them that it's only going to get worse from here. The US government isn't as naive; they are going to raise security measures in attempt to thwart retaliatory efforts.

It isn't over. There are many many more people out there with similar ideologies, and this is going to go for a long time.


We can get rid of the TSA, DHS, and bring the troops home from Afghanistan... Ha ha ha ha!




It saddens me that the general response to this has been "USA! USA!" or "WOOO AMERICAAAA!!!!" I figured that something like this would invoke more, uh, profound discussion of the situation.

I guess it just saddens me that we (as a whole) can't deal with this kind of crap without killing people, and then we can't respond to a successful kill without anything but jubilation.  :-\

This basically sums up my feelings.

Who's seen "Team America: World Police"?? ....I feel like that's a pretty accurate description of what this country has become.

We (the majority of U.S. citizens, politicians, and military leaders) seem to think that the only way to ensure Our freedom is to kill and destroy, and that We have every right to do so because of that freedom. I know that I tread dangerous waters when I say this, because Our military service men and women are Our heroes, blahblahblah.... but I'm of the mindset that Our actions are not far off from those of the terrorists.

I had a high school history teacher who was an absolute patriot, 100% America-loving, republican-voting, generally war-glorifying type of guy.... but he was a smart fellow, and he always emphasized the notion that "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

Basically, as long as there are groups of people who believe in something so much that they're willing to die (and cause the deaths of others) fighting for it, there will be the presence of both military AND terrorist groups. Some of them will have better funding, better uniforms, and have more respect within their own countries.... but the means of achieving their goals are ultimately the same.




here's the simple truth:

a)if he is Jesus, he''ll rise from the dead in three days.

b) it increases the chances of another attack on the US.

c) it will definitely drive US inflation as troops are sent home to find there is no employment for them.

d) America Fuck Yeah, way to capture an elderly man on oxygen. WE will drive around cars wasting fossil fuels and littering paper products!

e) false sense of security globally and financially.

f) the war has cost us over 1 Trillion

also this.
(but if part a) really does happen, I will delight in seeing the world shit its collective pants as I shit my own. ;D )

Seriously though.... like Courth said, I can see why people would be happy about "justice" being served and whatnot. I understand that Bin Laden caused lots of people a ton of pain, and this must feel like some kind of resolution for the folks who were most affected by the 9/11 attacks.
....but when that feeling of accomplishment and celebration wears off, what will We be left with?
Most likely, just increased security measures and more fear being reinforced by the fact that there are still terrorist groups that threaten Us and many others worldwide...possibly more al Quaeda attacks? I really fucking hope not, but I'm not going to be surprised if/when it does happen.

I know that I have expressed my apparently anti-military views here, much to the dismay of some military folks or their supporters..... and I want to make it clear that I don't hate any of the troops (including my friends and family) who've served in this bullshit war and in wars past. I understand that they're just doing their job, and that at least part of their job is important to all U.S. citizens.
But I do NOT condone their orders, particularly when they go against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (I'm talking mostly about torture, Guantanamo crimes, etc.), and against sanity and reason.

"An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind."
...yeah, basically. A perpetual cycle of violence can never end when no one can see the bigger picture.



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