natalie portman not vegan anymore?
Posted by nmpixie on Apr 11, 2011 · Member since Jan 2008 · 1243 posts
Stupid, she says stuff about having to really watch your nutrients, and then says it was to eat stuff from a bakery. :^ (my daughter insists on adding a smiley anytime I type)
I love the "plants are alive too and it's just as wrong as eating animals" argument. :)
Jessa, I agree with you 100%! There's a huge difference between encouraging people to make what difference they can, and basically advocating something that isn't vegan without explaining why there's more that can be done. I definitely believe in not being aggressive. But I don't believe in compromising one's beliefs or withholding information. Telling Oprah that while free-range hens are much less abused than factory-farmed ones, they're still kept in captivity and often need their own eggs for nutritional value, and advocating a free-range diet is not sustainable for most people on Earth, etc., is not something that is PUSHY or PREACHY. It's honest. Especially since she seems to be interested in veganism in general.
Ugh. I hate that a fear of perpetuating this ridiculous, unfounded stereotype that every vegan ever is an asshole has halted clear communication on the fact that animals are being abused and killed every second that our tongues are held. Yes, not being forceful is important... but so is acknowledging that the issue is there every second we delicately tiptoe around it.
Amen, tinylights! Couldn't agree more!
I keep seeing and hearing about Natalie in the news, and it just enrages me. I can't stand to look at her stupid face anymore. If she goes vegan again after having this kid and starts to spit more vitriolic bullshit to the masses, I'm going to scream. Nobody will take us seriously ever again. Ugh.
Another one bites the dust!
I wish ex-vegan celebs would just STFU! I truly don't understand how someone who is a spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary, and has talked about how important veganism is to her in many an interview, can go back to eating animal products & brag about it! I mean, even if I give her the benefit of the doubt that cheese & eggs contain some magical properties that cured her health problems (::)), to say the following is so fucking crazy:
Ironically, Goodwin's meat and dairy-free lifestyle turned many members of her family vegan - and they're sticking to their diets.
Appearing on U.S. chat show Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Wednesday (11May11), she said, "I go home and say, 'Are you serious? Let's get some cheese in this house.'"
WTF is wrong with these people?! I will never understand the glee that they express when they leave veganism.
I saw that this morning too....and it sucks because I really did like I wouldn't mind hitting her in the face with a baseball bat. Quarry Girl posted the video from Jimmy Kimmel and it was so irritating....she wouldn't stop laughing...ugh, I hate people.
Here's the video of her interview if anyone cares to watch...
(The vegan talk starts almost as soon as she comes out.)
I love how at the 1:40 mark, she says she procured an egg from a "humane farm" that "raises their animals like pets, and they do their own butchering."
Yeah, I butcher my dog... How can someone who apparently felt so strongly about animal rights not understand that "humane" farms don't exist?! I mean, if all she wanted was to make sure that her animal products were produced "humanely," why didn't she just start eating Michael Pollan-style to begin with, instead of going full out vegan?! Obviously something compelled her to go vegan...
Ugh, I hate celebrities.
I noticed the laughing, too! That was the worst part, I think.
"Animal suffering is so hilaaaaarious! Hee hee."
ew i'm not even gonna watch the whole thing. seriously people are pathetic. but sometimes i think celebrities stop being vegans because they don't eat anything. like all celebrities "have" to be skinny, i feel like when they go vegan, they use that as an excuse to not eat as much so they can be skinnier, so then their bodies are starved and they just go ahead and eat animal products again. i dont know if im making any sense, but it makes sense in my head. lol
No, I agree with you, VH. I think a lot of ex-vegans (not just celebrities) went "vegan" for the wrong reasons, perhaps primarily because they see it as an easy excuse to restrict & not eat things offered to them. "Oh, that cake has eggs in it? I can't have it because I'm vegan." "That dip is made with sour cream? Sorry, I'm vegan."
I'm not saying Ginnifer Goodwin has an eating disorder. Who the hell knows? But it just seems that people who so happily proclaim their ex-vegan status couldn't have truly been vegan for ethical reasons. (But then WHY would she be so outspoken about it & become a spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary?!) I know that if I ever "had" to go back to eating animal products, it would be with great sadness & I certainly wouldn't be laughing or joking about it.
And what's with so many ex-vegans going full-tilt batshit crazy about meat & cheese? If someone really had to leave veganism for health reasons, it would make more sense that they still eat a primarily plant-based diet, but perhaps with some salmon here, some eggs there, some raw dairy now & again, etc. (I'm not saying I think that stuff is healthy, but a lot of people do, so I'm just going with their line of thinking.) But in her interview, Ginnifer says she is making a BACON-WRAPPED MEATLOAF for dinner that night. And remember that blogger from "Voracious Vegan" who wrote that long-ass post about why she was "A Vegan No More" (I know there was a thread about it here)? She has featured a meal on her blog that consisted of an ENTIRE WHEEL of cheese! Yeah, health reasons - sure...
Just stupid excuses.
i agree. completely.
that video really upset're right, the laughing is awful and what's with the 'congratulations on coming back' or whatever it was he said.
But yeah I don't get why so many ex-vegans end up basically eating nothing but animal products. I've only known one vegan IRL who has gone back to eating animal products and she definitely did not go all out eating every animal filled product. She went back to ovo-lacto veg. maybe she was the exception to the rule.
wow that video made me almost throw up... seriously wtf!?
thank you for letting me in on the secret that bacon wrapped meatloaf is a medical miracle... i def gotta go do that for health reasons lol
I had never heard of her, but I am pretty excited that she is no longer on Team Vegan; she seemed overtly fake and obnoxious in that video.
god i just watched this again and want to smack the shit out of her... seriously... the end where she talks about her family just makes me cringe... ughhhhh
Yep. She cares about animals. However, not only does she eat them, but she laughs at/mocks the vegan diet.
Also.....she has a humane house, but eats bacon, eggs, salmon, and cheese.
And seriously, I'd like to know what the deal is with them running back to all the animal foods, too. Why not just a little egg, or egg and dairy? Nope, it's back to full on meat, dairy, and eggs. And they act like it's the best damn thing ever. Ugh.
i'm sure all her health problems (she doesn't want to talk about) were probably some ED bullshit masked by being vegan... she probably subsisted off carrot sticks and black coffee and shit hit the fan or something... dumb ass... i didn't remember her being so flat chested
i didn't remember her being so flat chested
She actually has lost quite a bit of weight. I recently watched the first season of "Big Love" (from like 5 years ago, I think?) - and in it, her character is supposed to be battling some leftover baby weight from her last pregnancy. She is cute & curvy in that season, and now she looks much thinner.
Like I said, I'm not going to speculate on her weight or the possibility of an ED, but that's sort of the only logical explanation I can think of for someone who can so easily ditch veganism & start a love affair with all things meat. :-\
We just finished the most recent season of Big Love (on DVD - there's still one more not on DVD yet) and she wasn't nearly that this is a new thing....I preferred her chunky - now I can't stand her either way.